TUES 1/11- Quilting at Immanuel, Soldier TWP
WED 1/12- 3:30pm Confirmation
7:30pm Church Council Mtg.
THR 1/13- 9:30am Ricketts Bible Study
SAT 1/15- 5:00pm Sunday School at Immanuel, Soldier TWP
6:00pm Worship at Immanuel
SUN 1/16- 8:45am Sunday School
9:00am Adult Bible Study
10:00am Worship with Communion
10:00am Pastor Merrill to appear on Main Street Living on KCAU-ABC Channel 9 in Sioux City, a Lutheran Television Program that is endorsed by Iowa District West of The Lutheran Church — Missouri Synod. The program is financially supported through the support of the viewers and congregations of the viewing area.
ANNUAL REPORTS from clubs and committees for the Annual Voters Meeting are due ASAP to Linda in the office. Please let us know if you'd like to serve as an usher, greeter or help in some other way.
Renew your subscription to the LUTHERAN WITNESS for $22.68
OFFERING ENVELOPES are in the back of the sanctuary and FINANCE STATEMENTS (for your taxes) are in a pink box on the counter in the entryway near the offices.
LYF JANUARY EVENT- Packing Mercy Meals (10:00am) in Sioux City & sledding at Cone Park afterward. Sat. Jan 22. Please let Pastor know ASAP so that he can register you at Mercy Meals.