Sunday, October 31, 2021

Celebrating 30 years in ministry

 Pastor Richard C. Merrill Honored


In honor of Pastor Richard C. Merrill’s 30th Anniversary in the ministry August of 2021, a surprise recognition was held in his honor by the three congregations he serves at St. John Lutheran Church, Reformation Sunday, October 31, 2021, as a culmination to LCMS Pastor Appreciation Month.


A presentation of several meaningful gift offerings was made to Pastor Merrill following the service and all were invited to join in a social gathering in the Fellowship Hall lobby after the service with an opportunity to offer personal congratulations and thankfulness.


Since 2005, following his initial ministry as assistant pastor at Humboldt, Iowa, Pastor has served the congregation of St. John and in more recent years has ministered faithfully to the members of the congregations of St. Luke, Ricketts; Immanuel, Soldier Township; and St. Paul, Hanover Township. Pastor Merrill has also served as Pastoral Adviser to IDW Singles Ministry, Zone Counselor for the Mapleton Zone LWML, Circuit Visitor of the Mapleton Circuit, staff member at Concordia Cub Week at Camp Okoboji and most recently, Board Secretary of Iowa District West.  


We congratulate Pastor Merrill on this 30th milestone anniversary and give praise to God for the talents He has bestowed upon him in this service as our pastor.  God’s blessings for continued good health and continuing ministry to us all!  

(Wonderful job on this write-up you two). Marge

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