Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Online Bulletin for Sunday, October 4

Online Bulletin


October 4, 2020


Hymn of Invocation:  "Joyful, Joyful We Adore Thee" LSB 803

Confession & Absolution

Salutation and Collect of the Day

Epistle Philippians 4:4–13

Holy Gospel Matthew 22:1–14

Nicene Creed

Hymn of the Day:   "Rejoice, O Pilgrim Throng" LSB 813 sts. 1–3, 5, 7

Sermon Philippians 4:4-13

"Pandemic Pointers"

Prayer of the Church

Lord’s Prayer Page 196

The Words of Our Lord Page 197

Pax Domini Page 197

Distribution with Dismissal at End 

Post-Communion Collect Page 201

Benediction Page 202

Hymn to Depart:   "Savior, Again to Thy Dear Name..." LSB 917

Monday, September 28, 2020

This Week @ St. John

SCHEDULE FOR September 26 -  Oct. 4

  • 26th   At Immanuel:
    • 5pm Sunday School
    • 6pm Communion Service
  • 27th At St. John:
    • 8:45am Sunday School 
    • 9am Bible Class 
    • 10am Worship Service 
  • 30th  3:30pm Confirmation
  • Oct 1 9:30am Ricketts Bible Study
  • 2nd 6pm Wedding Rehearsal
  • 3rd At St. John:  4pm Seth Goslar & Alyssa Boggs Wedding
    At St. Paul: 5pm Sunday School 
    • 6pm Worship Service
  • 4th At St John: 
    • 8:45am Sunday School
    • 9am Bible Class
    • 10am Outdoor Communion Service (weather permitting) Sunday School picnic

KEEP IN YOUR PRAYERS: Melvin Goslar, Paul Briggle, Milroy Rabe, Marlon Jepsen, Arlene Nemitz, Lucia Lincoln, Elaine Stoltze, Luella Henschen, Phil Ketelsen, family of Pastor Paul Schroeder & members of our congregations who are suffering or recovering from Covid 19

Received from Pastor Doug Schroeder:

   Pastor Paul died in Florida on September 9th after being ministered to beautifully. He will continue to minister to millions through his voice on The Word Today. His family has determined they will have a memorial service on October 24—details to follow. Please forward your remembrances of Pastor Paul as we are adding a memorial page to Our Shepherd  & The Word Today websites. Email to Beth Pastor Paul now rest and I am sure is delighted in the company of Christ.

FROM Ellie Menz:   have been in contact with the Disaster Response Coordinators in Iowa District East. They need our help to continue the process of cleaning up the downed trees. Workers are needed for next week, and following weeks, too. Contact me if you are interested in helping. or 515-370-1159.

DECORATING COMMITTEE.. we are looking for a couple people to decorate St. John church for holidays. Please let Pastor or office know if you are interested.

CEMETERY COMMITTEE.. we need one or two people to be on the St. John Cemetery Committee as soon as possible. Please let James Jepsen or Pastor know if you are interested.

FROM ELDERS MEETING … The plan is to restore the center sections in church to every other pew. Also plan to print a limited number of bulletins each week. We will gradually be bringing back some of the elements of liturgy that have been missing since opening.

Plans .. are to have an outdoor Communion Service on October 4th and a Sunday School picnic.  Everyone is invited for lunch.  Family games following lunch will include a scavenger hunt and kick ball. 

Please bring your lawn chairs, blanket or you may stay in your cars.  Worship service on the 11th will be held indoors.

LWML Sunday will be celebrated on Sunday, October 11th.  Among the planned happenings is a "noisy collection" for mites which will be taken with the old offering plates with long handles!  The mighty mite

has helped men, women and children across the globe.  Let's all get our coins ready!  Help us help the less fortunate.

Will you be a Voice for Life? In 2019 the Iowa Supreme court ruled that the Iowa Constitution guarantees a woman’s right to have her baby killed before he or she is born. Now it will be very difficult to put any restrictions on this terrible act.  Iowa may very well become a “Mecca” for killing little children created by God and for whom Jesus died. The only way to reverse this deadly course is to have a legislature that will boldly take a stand and take action to protect innocent life. Please vote to affirm life. Lutheran Family Service – Rev. Dr. Jim Lamb, Life Advocate 

Monday, September 21, 2020

WORSHIP | SUN SEP 27, 2020

 Online Bulletin


September 27, 2020


Hymn of Invocation: 613 To Thee, Omniscient Lord of All LSB 613

Confession & Absolution

Salutation and Collect of the Day

Old Testament Reading Ezekiel 18:1–4, 25–32

Holy Gospel Matthew 21:23–32

Apostles’ Creed

Hymn of the Day: 571 God Loved the World So That He Gave LSB 571

Sermon Ezekiel 18:1-4, 25-32

"God's Desire for the Sinner:  Repent and Live"

Prayer of the Church

Lord’s Prayer

Benediction LSB 202

Hymn to Depart:  "Lord, Keep Us Steadfast in Your Word" LSB 655

Sunday, September 20, 2020

This Week @ St.John

 SCHEDULE FOR September 19 -  27

  • 23rd 3:30pm Confirmation
  • 24th 9:30am Ricketts Bible Study
  • 26th  At Immanuel:
    • 5pm Sunday School 
    • 6pm Communion Service – Rally Day
  • 27th At St John: 
    • 8:45am Sunday School
    • 9am Bible Class
    • 10am Worship Service

KEEP IN YOUR PRAYERS: Melvin Goslar, Paul Briggle, Milroy Rabe, Marlon Jepsen, Arlene Nemitz, Elaine Stoltze, Luella Henschen & members of our congregations who are suffering or recovering from Covid 19

Congratulations to James (son of Bill & Lucia) & Bri Magill, on the birth of a daughter , Bailee Mae, on September 17, 2020.

Family of Irma Wilhelmine Bohlmann Maas who died September 13, 2020, funeral service was held September 26, 2020 at Immanuel

Luella Henschen is a resident of Eventide while recovering from surgery

THANK YOU.. to everyone who remembered me on my birthday with cards & gifts. Thanks be to God for 60 years on this earth.  Pastor Merrill 

from Ellie Menz:   have been in contact with the Disaster Response Coordinators in Iowa District East. They need our help to continue the process of cleaning up the downed trees. Workers are needed for next week, and following weeks, too. Contact me if you are interested in helping. or 515-370-1159.

DECORATING COMMITTEE.. we are looking for a couple people to decorate St. John church for holidays. Please let Pastor or office know if you are interested.

CEMETERY COMMITTEE.. we need one or two people to be on the St. John Cemetery Committee as soon as possible. Please let James Jepsen or Pastor know if you are interested.

FROM ELDERS MEETING … The plan is to restore the center sections in church to every other pew. Also plan to print a limited number of bulletins each week. We will gradually be bringing back some of the elements of liturgy that have been missing since opening

Plans .. are to have an outdoor Communion Service on October 4th and possibly a Sunday School picnic.  Worship service on the 11th will be held indoors.

Sunday SEP 20, 2020 Worship Video

 Online Bulletin


September 20, 2020


Hymn of Invocation:  "With the Lord Begin Your Task" LSB 869

Confession & Absolution

Salutation and Collect of the Day

Old Testament Reading Isaiah 55:6–9

Holy Gospel Matthew 20:1–16

Nicene Creed

Hymn of the Day:  "Hark, the Voice of Jesus Calling" LSB 827

Sermon Matthew 20:1-16 "Grace at Every Hour"

Prayer of the Church

Lord’s Prayer  

The Words of Our Lord  

Pax Domini  

Distribution with Dismissal at End

Post-Communion Collect


Hymn to Depart:  "Amazing Grace" LSB 744

Monday, September 14, 2020

This Week @ St.John

 SCHEDULE FOR September 12 - 20

12th At Immanuel:

5pm Sunday School 

6pm Communion Service – Rally Day

13th At St John: 

8:45am Sunday School

9am Bible Class

10am Worship Service – Rally Day - Special Mission Offering

16th 3:30pm Confirmation

6pm Elders’ Meeting

17th 9:30am Ricketts Bible Study

19th At Immanuel:

5pm Sunday School

6pm Worship Service

20th At St. John:

8:45am Sunday School 

9am Bible Class 

10am Communion Service 


KEEP IN YOUR PRAYERS: Melvin Goslar, Paul Briggle, Milroy Rabe, Marlon Jepsen, Arlene Nemitz, Lucia Lincoln, Elaine Stoltze, Luella Henschen & members of our congregations who are suffering or recovering from Covid 19

Iowa West Branch of Orphan Grain Train will be loading a container to be shipped to Kyrgyzstan on Tuesday, September 15th. Loading will begin at 9 AM. Any and all volunteers will be more than welcome. If you wish to wear a mask, please do so. Sharon Ann Irwin, Iowa West Branch Manager, 712-273-5575

Also, from Ellie Menz:

I have been in contact with the Disaster Response Coordinators in Iowa District East. They need our help to continue the process of cleaning up the downed trees. Workers are needed for next week, and following weeks, too. Contact me if you are interested in helping. or 515-370-1159.

RALLY SUNDAY: We are resuming Sunday School and youth Bible study on Rally Sunday September 13. Sunday School begins at 8:45am. During the worship service the first graders are receiving Bibles. They are: Eli Nemitz, Ben Klinker,  Easton Goslar and Dallas Lavender. The fifth graders receiving Catechisms are: Jayden French, Zander Friedrichs, Avery Funkhouser, Chloe Galvin, Emerson Goslar,  Cohen McCartney, Drayton Palmer, Cheyenne Vogt, and Ben Meseck who will receive his at Immanuel on Saturday evening.

MISSION DINNER will not be held this year due to concerns over COVID-19. However, we will take a door offering for missionary support on Sunday, September 13. We will have an offering basket at the center door as you enter; side doors will continue to be for weekly offerings. We encourage you to be generous as most missionaries must raise 100 percent of their own support. Past recipients of our mission funds have included our own Brent and Eugenie Friedrichs, Mark and Megan Mantey (Mark's great-grandfather was a teacher at St. John), as well as other missionaries supported by Mission Central. The final decision on missionary support will be made by the voters at their October meeting.

DECORATING COMMITTEE.. we are looking for a couple people to decorate St. John church for holidays. Please let Pastor or office know if you are interested.

CEMETERY COMMITTEE.. we need one or two people to be on the St. John Cemetery Committee as soon as possible. Please let James Jepsen or Pastor know if you are interested.

Friday, Sept. 18th is U.S. National POW/MIA Recognition Day. Please take a moment to remember those who were prisoners of war (POW) & those missing in action (MIA), as well as their families. The Office of Defense reports numbers of missing soldiers as:  73,515 from WW II (approximate due to limited or conflicting data), 7,841 from Korean War, 1,626 from Vietnam, 126 from Cold War & 6 from conflicts since 1991. The number of Americans still missing & unaccounted for from Iowa are 24. POW/MIAs from our area are: WW II: Herman C. Kiepe – Ute – 3/28/44, Lyle W. Stepanek – Dow City – 3/19/44; from Korea: James Leslie Houston – 2/14/51, Freeeman D. Satterlee – 5/14/52; from Vietnam: Robert F. Rex – Odebolt – 3/7/69, Donald Sparks – Carroll – 6/17/69, Daniel W. Thomas – Danbury – 7/6/71.

SCHOOL SUPPLIES… today (Sept. 13th) is the last day to bring school supplies.  We thank all who helped our CO-U students.

Sunday, September 13, 2020

Sunday, Worship Sept. 13, 2020 | Rally Sunday

 Online Bulletin



September 13, 2020


Hymn of Invocation: 605 Father Welcomes LSB 605

Confession & Absolution

Salutation and Collect of the Day

Old Testament Reading Psalm 103:1–12

Holy Gospel Matthew 18:21–35

Apostles' Creed

Hymn of the Day:  "O Bless the Lord, My Soul" LSB 814

Sermon Psalm 103:1-12

"Sharing the Benefits"

Presentation of Bibles and Catechisms

Hymn: 867 Let Children Hear the Mighty Deeds LSB 867 

Installation of Christian Education Staff

Prayer of the Church

Lord’s Prayer

Benediction LSB 202

Hymn to Depart: 588 Jesus Loves Me LSB 588

Monday, September 07, 2020


September 6, 2020


Hymn of Invocation:  "Before You, Lord, We Bow" LSB 966
Confession & Absolution

Salutation and Collect of the Day
Epistle Romans 13:1–10
Holy Gospel Matthew 18:1–20
Nicene Creed
Hymn of the Day:  "Lord of All Nations, Grant Me Grace" LSB 844
Sermon Romans 13:1-10
"The Believer Under Authority"
Prayer of the Church
Lord’s Prayer Page 196
The Words of Our Lord Page 197
Pax Domini Page 197
Distribution with Dismissal at End
Post Communion Collect. Page 202
Benediction Page 202
Hymn to Depart:  "God of Grace and God of Glory" LSB 850

Sunday, September 06, 2020

Crossroads of CC's "Whatever Campaign"

Crossroads of Crawford County is asking for your help. They have a number of campaigns listed. You may donate to "whatever" need you choose.

Friday, September 04, 2020

This Week @ St. John

SCHEDULE FOR September 5 - 13

  • 5th 6pm Worship Service at Immanuel
  • 6th 9am Adult Bible Class at St. John
    • 10am Communion Service at St. John
  • 7th Offices Closed
  • 8th 8:45am Pastor at Circuit Pastors’ Conference at Our Savior, Denison
  • 9th 3:30pm Confirmation
  • 12th 5pm Sunday School at Immanuel
    • 6pm Communion Service at Immanuel
  • 13th Rally Sunday
    • 8:45am Sunday School at St. John
    • 9am Bible Class at St. John
    • 10am Worship Service at St. John
KEEP IN YOUR PRAYERS: Melvin Goslar, Paul Briggle, Milroy Rabe, Marlon Jepsen, Arlene Nemitz, Lucia Lincoln, Elaine Stoltze, Blaine Schwingdorf, Stan Bukacek, Luella Henschen & members of our congregations who are suffering or recovering from Covid 19

THANK YOU.. I would like to thank everyone for all their Prayers , cards, phone calls and gifts. I am now in Remission THANKS BE TO GOD! I Especially want to Thank Pastor Merrill for all the Prayers and concerns. I love my Church Family, Immanuel, St Paul and St John. God’s Blessings!
-Jolene Kettlesen

Iowa West Branch of Orphan Grain Train will be loading a container to be shipped to Kyrgyzstan on Tuesday, September 15th. Loading will begin at 9 AM. Any and all volunteers will be more than welcome. If you wish to wear a mask, please do so. Sharon Ann Irwin, Iowa West Branch Manager, 712-273-5575
Also, from Ellie Menz:

I have been in contact with the Disaster Response Coordinators in Iowa District East. They need our help to continue the process of cleaning up the downed trees. Workers are needed for next week, and following weeks, too. Contact me if you are interested in helping. or 515-370-1159.

RALLY SUNDAY: We plan to resume Sunday School and youth Bible study on Rally Sunday September 13. Sunday School begins at 8:45am, with first graders receiving Bibles and fifth graders receiving Catechisms in the worship service at 10am.

MISSION DINNER will be not be held this year due to concerns over COVID-19. However, we will take a door offering for missionary support on Sunday, September 13. We will have an offering basket at the center door as you enter; side doors will continue to be for weekly offerings. We encourage you to be generous as most missionaries must raise 100 percent of their own support. Past recipients of our mission funds have included our own Brent and Eugenie Friedrichs, Mark and Megan Mantey (Mark's great-grandfather was a teacher at St. John), as well as other missionaries supported by Mission Central. The final decision on missionary support will be made by the voters at their October meeting.

LWML FALL RALLY has been canceled. St. John will now host the spring rally in April of 2021.

DECORATING COMMITTEE.. we are looking for a couple people to decorate St. John church for holidays. Please let Pastor or office know if you are interested.

CEMETERY COMMITTEE.. we need one or two people to be on the St. John Cemetery Committee as soon as possible. Please let James Jepsen or Pastor know if you are interested.

LWML COLLECTING SCHOOL SUPPLIES… we will continue to collect items until Sept. 13th

Right now the greatest need is for:

Loose leaf paper Spiral notebooks Composition notebooks No. 2 pencils

Following are appreciated:

Backpacks/Book bags (no wheels) Scissors Vinyl plastic 2 pocket folders

Pocket folders 2 pocket Glue sticks Elmer’s School Glue (4oz, 8oz)

Wireless notebooks Washable markers Crayola markers (24 – 24)

Plastic pencil box or bag Large box of Kleenex Clorox wipes

Hand Sanitizer Pink Bevel erasers Head phones

Ear buds Crayons (8, 16, 24) Dry Eraser Markers & erasers

Ball point pen (blue, black & red) Ruler Colored pencils (12-24)

Highlighters Soap (gym) Shampoo (gym)

Deodorant (gym)