SCHEDULE FOR August 30 – September 6
30 9am Worship at St. John
1st 6:30am Men’s Bible Study
4pm LWML Meeting
2nd 3:30pm Confirmation
7pm Board of Education Meeting
5th 6pm Worship at Immanuel
6th 9am Adult Bible Class
10am Communion Service
KEEP IN YOUR PRAYERS: Melvin Goslar, Paul Briggle, Joleen Ketelsen, Milroy Rabe, Marlon Jepsen,
Arlene Nemitz, Lucia Lincoln, Elaine Stoltze, Blaine Schwingdorf, Stan Bukacek & members of our
congregations who are suffering or recovering from Covid 19
Iowa West Branch of Orphan Grain Train will be loading a container to be shipped to Kyrgyzstan
on Tuesday, September 15th. Loading will begin at 9 AM. Any and all volunteers will be more than
welcome. If you wish to wear a mask, please do so. Sharon Ann Irwin, Iowa West Branch Manager,
Also, from Ellie Menz:
I have been in contact with the Disaster Response Coordinators in Iowa District East.
They need our help to continue the process of cleaning up the downed trees. Workers are needed for
next week, and following weeks, too. Contact me if you are interested in helping. or 515-370-1159.
WORSHIP SCHUDULE: We return to our regular worship schedule on Sunday, September 6,
with adult Bible class at 9:00 (slight change), and worship at 10:00 a.m.
We plan to resume Sunday School and youth Bible study on Rally Sunday September 13,
with first graders receiving Bibles and fifth graders receiving Catechisms in the worship service.
CONFIRMATION CLASSES begin Wednesday, September 2, at 3:30 p.m.
Sandy Bramley will be our 5th and 6th grade teacher and Pastor will have the 7th and 8th graders.
Pastor's class will meet in the fellowship hall; 5th and 6th graders will meet downstairs.
Orientation was held on August 26. If you did not get your schedule please contact Pastor or Sandy.
MISSION DINNER will be not be held this year due to concerns over COVID-19.
However, we will take a door offering for missionary support on Sunday, September 13.
We will have an offering basket at the center door as you enter; side doors will continue to be for
weekly offerings. We encourage you to be generous as most missionaries must raise 100 percent
of their own support. Past recipients of our mission funds have included our own Brent and Eugenie
Friedrichs, Mark and Megan Mantey (Mark's great-grandfather was a teacher at St. John),
as well as other missionaries supported by Mission Central.
The final decision on missionary support will be made by the voters at their October meeting.
LWML FALL RALLY has been canceled. St. John will now host the spring rally in April of 2021.
DECORATING COMMITTEE.. we are looking for a couple people to decorate St. John church for
holidays. Please let Pastor or office know if you are interested.
CEMETERY COMMITTEE.. we need one or two people to be on the St. John Cemetery Committee
as soon as possible. Please let James Jepsen or Pastor know if you are interested.
Right now the greatest need is for:
Loose leaf paper Spiral notebooks Composition notebooks No. 2 pencils
Following are appreciated:
Backpacks/Book bags (no wheels) Scissors Vinyl plastic 2 pocket folders
Pocket folders 2 pocket Glue sticks Elmer’s School Glue (4oz, 8oz)
Wireless notebooks Washable markers Crayola markers (24 – 24)
Plastic pencil box or bag
Large box of Kleenex
Clorox wipes
Hand Sanitizer
Pink Bevel erasers
Head phones
Ear buds
Crayons (8, 16, 24)
Dry Eraser Markers & erasers
Ball point pen (blue, black & red)
Colored pencils (12-24)
Soap (gym)
Shampoo (gym)
Deodorant (gym)