- TUES OCT 1- 6:30am Men's Bible Study
- 4:00pm LWML Meeting
- WED OCT 2- 3:30pm Confirmation
- 7:30pm Budget Meeting
- THRS OCT 3- 9:30am Ricketts Community Bible Study
- SAT OCT 5- 5:00pm Sunday School at Immanuel
- 6:00pm Worship at Immanuel, Soldier TWP (LWML Day)
- SUN OCT 6- 8:45am Bible Class & Sunday School
- 10:00am Worship with Communion (LWML Mite Box Sunday)
- 7:00pm Adult Information Class
ADULT INFORMATION CLASS- Sunday evenings at 7:00pm. If you're interested or no anyone who is, talk to Pastor.
HELP WANTED- Custodian. Please contact Trustees Brent Friedrich, Brad Brmaley or the church office as soon as possible.
NOISEY COLLECITON- Collect those mites for the LWML's annual "Noisey Collection," Sunday, October 13.
OCTOBER COUNCIL & VOTERS' MEETINGS- The most impostant every year. Make your voice heard. Be part of St. John.
- 2020 BUDGET MEETING-Wed Oct 2, 7:30pm Church Council Members & Finance Board
- CHURCH COUNCIL MTG Wed Oct 9, 7:30pm
- VOTERS ASSEMBLY MTG Wed Oct 16, 7:30pm
- Approval of 2020 Budget
- Election of 2020 Officers
- Allocation of Mission gifts
RICKETTS COMMUNITY BIBLE STUDY- Join us Thursdays at 9:30am at the Ricketts Community Center for coffee & goodies. We are studying the book of Acts.