Sunday, August 04, 2019

This Week @ St. John

  • TUES AUG 6; 4:00PM LWML Meeting
  • SUN AUG 11; 9:00AM Worship, Pastor Schauer preaching
    • 10:00AM Finance Board Meeting
  • AUGUST WORSHIP SCHEDULES; There is no adult Bible class in August. Worship at St. John is 9:00AM Sunday, Immanuel &St. Paul worship will be 6:00PM Saturday at Immanuel, Soldier TWP.
  • PASTOR MERRILL will be on Vacation August 5-14. Rev. John Schauer from Carroll will be our guest pastor Aug 10/11. Rev. Josh Keinath from Zion, Denison, will be available for any emergency pastoral care needs. 
  • MULTI-PARISH AGREEMENT; St. John Charter Oak, St. Paul (Hanover Township) & Immanuel (Soldier Township) voters have all ratified the multi-parish agreement proposed by the study committee. This agreement now goes to the Iowa District West office for final approval. St. Paul & Immanuel will issue a call to Pastor Merrill so that he will now be called by all three congregations to be their pastor. A multi-parish committee will be formed and will begin meeting in September. Please pray for out three congregations as we now work together for the sake of the Gospel in the communities of Charter Oak and Ricketts. 

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