Sunday, August 27, 2017

This Week @ St.John

 While repairs & remodeling continue in the Northeast (bell tower) stairway, please use the elevator if you need to get to the balcony for any reason. Thank you.

  • WED AUG 30- 7:00pm Confirmation Orientation Meeting for students & parents. Confirmation Orientation for all 5th-8th graders and their parents in the fellowship hall. Schedules & other materials will be handed out. Please plan to attend, this meeting is mandatory.
  • SAT SEP 2- 6:00pm Mission service (Triple Parish) at Mission Central's barn just East of Mapleton
  • SUN SEP 3- Adult Bible Study resumes at 8:45AM
    • 10:00am Worship with Communion (Fall time-schedule resumes)
  • SUN SEP 10- "Rally Sunday" Sunday School resumes, teachers installed, 5th Graders will receive copies of Luther's Small Chatechism which they can use in Confirmation classes and 1st Graders will receive Bibles.
  • SUN SEP 17- Mission Lunch & "Reformation Walk"
MEETING OUR NEEDS- Please notice in the weekly bulletin the "WEEKLY REPORT" on offering, The first amount is what was received in offerings the previous week. The number in parentheses ($3,588.47) represents how much is needed to meet our budgeted needs including things like utilities, insurance, and maintenance. God wants us to be cheerful givers (2 Corinthians 9:6-7); this report isn't included in the weekly bulletin because our situation is dire or to create guilt, but to remind us that prayer, participation, attendance and giving are all part of "stewardship." We are all called to be stewards of God's church, and the time, talents, and resources He has blessed us with. 

We ARE the church, not just customers of the church. You ARE St.John, Charter Oak. Please attend regularly, invite your family and neighbors to too. Please ask God how He can use you as a more active participant. Would that be as simple as attending Bible class or serving as a greeter, usher or acolyte? Or something more involved like helping with Sunday School, Confirmation or VBS? Would you like to become a part of LWML, quilting or helping provide for funeral meals? Perhaps God can use you on the altar committee, church council or as a trustee or elder?

WORSHIP SCHEDULE- 10AM Worship resumes in September. Adult Bible class resumes September 3 and Sunday School for PK-6 will resume September 10 at 8:45am. 7-8 grade Sunday School will resume September 17.


  • MEETING WED Aug 30, 7:00PM Orientation Meeting 
  • CLASS WED Sep 6, 3:30pm Confirmation Classes resume
  • URGENT- Since we are blessed with 18-20 students in the 5th/6th grade class, we are seeking second teacher so that we can break it into two smaller groups.
  • MENTORS- Especially because we may be blessed with new students who come from non-member and un-churched families, we're seeking adults (couples or singles) who would take confirmation students under their wing, pray for them regularly and encourage them in their faith. See more details in the Sunday bulletin. If you would be interested, please let Pastor or the church office know. Thank you.
As part of the 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation, members of several area churches, including St.John will bring 16th century Wittenburg, Germany to life in Charter Oak, Iowa, Sunday, September 17. Come see Professor Luther nail his 95 Theses to the Castle Church doors, see Johannes Guttenburg operate his new invention, the printing press, help Katie (eventually Luther) and her fellow nuns escape the Emperor's henchmen in fish barrels, and hear Friar Johann Tetzel try to convince you to buy indulgences to keep you our of purgatory!


Sunday, August 06, 2017

This Week @ St.John

  • MON-SAT. AUG 6-13- 6:25AM Pastor Merrill hosts 'Thy Strong Word' on KDSN 107.1FM/1530AM, FYI-We need funding to help pay KDSN for this program. If you would like to make a donation toward 'Thy Strong Word,' please let either the office or KDSN know. Thank You.
  • AUG 7-17 Pastor Merrill on vacation. Pastor John Schauer from Carroll will be our guest preacher on Sunday, AUG 13. Pastor Loeschen from Denison will be available for any emergency pastoral needs. If you need help while Pastor is on vacation, please contact the church office or one of the elders and they will contact Pastor Loeschen.
  • WED AUG 30, 7:00PM- Confirmation Orientation for all 5th-8th graders and their parents in the fellowship hall. Schedules & other materials will be handed out. Please plan to attend, this meeting is mandatory.
  • SAT AUG 14- No Worship at Triple Parish
  • SUN AUG 15- 9:00AM Worship- Rev. Schauer, guest preacher
    • 10:00AM Finance Board Mtg

Wednesday, August 02, 2017