MON-SAT. JUNE 12-17- 6:25AM Pastor Merrill hosts 'Thy Strong Word' (for Triple Parish) on KDSN 107.1FM/1530AM.
- MON 6/12- 9:00AM Reformation Walk Meeting
- TUES 6/13- 6:30AM Men's Bible Study
- WED 6/14- Pastor leaves for vacation; will be back in the office June 19
- SAT 6/17- Sorry, no worship at St.Paul, Hanover Township this week
- SUN 6/18- 8:00AM Adult Bible Class; 'A Man Called Martin' Episode 3
- 9:00AM Worship with Communion; Rev. Winterrowd, guest preacher

- OCT 29, 2017; CIRCUIT REFORMATION SERVICE- 2017 is the 500th Anniversary of the Reformation. St. John, Charter Oak will be hosting the Circuit's observance of the anniversary. We need a committee to plan a supper for after the service. If you'd be willing to serve on this committee (or even chair it) please let Pastor or the church office know. Thank you
- REFORMATION WALK- As we prepare to celebrate the 500th Anniversary of the Lutheran Reformation, St.John Charter Oak is planning a special observation of this milestone and is asking our friends in the circuit if anyone is interested in participating.
Concordia Publishing House (CPH) released a special resource to help congregations with their Reformation Anniversary celebrations. 'Reformation Walk' immerses participants in the sights, sounds and flavors of the Reformation era. Participants visit ten stations to experience the story of Martin Luther and learn how his work and writings started a movement that would change the course of history. They will meet Luther's parents and other guests, make pretzels, learn some German, play a game and more. This active events will really bring history to life.
Plans are being made for September. If you are interested (or know someone who would be) in being an actor in one of the ten stations or helping or participating in other ways in the day's events, please call Linda at 678-3312 by June 30. Scripts are two pages or less. Time commitment would be the day of the event plus some conferencing with the Reformation Walk Team for a few hours in the week prior to the event. - CONCORDIA CUBS WEEK- at Camp Okoboji is July 16-22. This is a camp for those who have completes 3rd-6th grades. Activities include Bible study, crafts, sports, swimming, evening recreation time and campfire devotions. Pick up forms in the office. Returning Cubs can get a discount this year by bringing a friend- ask Pastor for more information.

- CAMP OKOBOJI BIKE CHALLENGE- Pastor Merrill is once again riding in the Camp Okoboji Bike Challenge on Saturday, June 24. The challenge is to raise funding for the second phase of the DISCOVER Project, the building of the new Crafts/Retreat Center. The first phase of the project has been completed and was dedicated May 28. The goal for the bike challenge is to raise another $5,000 total for the second phase. Pastor plans to ride the 50 mile loop again. If you would like to sponsor him, either with a set dollar amount to a per-mile pledge, please fill out the form in this month's newsletter or ask for one in the church office. St.John's LWML gave $50 to support Pastor's Bike Challenge. We challenge 10 members or organizations to step-up with at least $50 of support too!
- REMINDER OF SUMMER WORSHIP TIMES; Beginning in June, Adult Bible Study at 8AM, Sunday Worship at 9AM. Remember too that usually (this week is an exception), if camping or work schedules make it hard to attend Sunday worship, the Triple Parish offers 6:00PM worship on Saturday evenings.
- VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL- Mark your calendars, Register your children, VOLUNTEER to help! July 30-August 3, 6:00-8:30
All children ages preschool (potty trained) - grade 6 invited
Free brown bag snack @ 5:45 each evening
Call or text Bethany @ 269.5970
or Linda at 678.3630
Volunteers Needed, Call Bethany
June 12 | Ezra 3-5, John 20 |
June 13 | Ezra 6-8, John 21 |
June 14 | Ezra 9-10, Acts 1 |
June 15 | Nehemiah 1-3, Acts 2:1-21 |
June 16 | Nehemiah 4-7, Acts 2:22-47 |
June 17 | Nehemiah 7-9, Acts 3 |
June 18 | Nehemiah 10-11, Acts 4:1-22 |
June 19 | Nehemiah 12-13, Acts 4:23-37 |
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