- MON JUN 5- 7:00PM Lutheran Night with the Stormchasers at Werner Part in Omaha
- TUES JUN 6- 4:00PM LWML Meeting
- SAT JUN 10- 6:00PM Worship w/ Communion at St. Paul, Hanover (Triple Parish)
- SUN JUN 11- 8:00AM Adult Bible Class; 'A Man Named Martin; Part II'
- 9:00AM Worship
- 10:00AM Finance Board Meeting
- 10:00AM Playground Committee Meeting
- OCT 29, 2017; CIRCUIT REFORMATION SERVICE- 2017 is the 500th Anniversary of the Reformation. St. John, Charter Oak will be hosting the Circuit's observance of the anniversary. We need a committee to plan a supper for after the service. If you'd be willing to serve on this committee (or even chair it) please let Pastor or the church office know.
Thank you - CONCORDIA CUBS WEEK- at Camp Okoboji is July 16-22. This is a camp for those who have completes 3rd-6th grades. Activities include Bible study, crafts, sports, swimming, evening recreation time and campfire devotions. Pick up forms in the office. Returning Cubs can get a discount this year by bringing a friend- ask Pastor for more information.
- CAMP OKOBOJI BIKE CHALLENGE- Pastor Merrill is once again riding in the Camp Okoboji Bike Challenge on Saturday, June 24. The challenge is to raise funding for the second phase of the DISCOVER Project, the building of the new Crafts/Retreat Center. The first phase of the project has been completed and was dedicated May 28. The goal for the bike challenge is to raise another $5,000 total for the second phase. Pastor plans to ride the 50 mile loop again. If you would like to sponsor him, either with a set dollar amount to a per-mile pledge, please fill out the form in this month's newsletter or ask for one in the church office.
- SUMMER WORSHIP TIMES; Beginning in June, Adult Bible Study at 8AM, Sunday Worship at 9AM
- TRIPLE PARISH VBS- June 4-8 at Ricketts Park. Each evening will begin with supper at 5:30PM followed by lessons, crafts, etc. from 6-8PM. The program is led by counselors from Camp Okoboji. If your family is going to be gone during St.John's VBS July 30-Aug 3, please consider sending your children to Ricketts for their Vacation Bible School.
- MEN'S TUESDAY MORNING BIBLE STUDY- will continue meeting the second Tuesday of each month for June & July . The dates are June 13 & 11. That way Pastor will not have to get up early after the ballgame in Omaha, and we probably wouldn't meet on July 4 anyway. Please join us.

- SUMMER ADULT BIBLE CLASS- In commemoration of the 500th anniversary of the Reformation our Bible Study is entitled "A Man Named Martin." Come learn how God shaped Luther's early life and then used him to bring the church back to the teaching of salvation by graced through faith in Jesus Christ. The study will also cover some of the misguided teachings of the medieval church and why reform was needed. All ages are invited to come and learn about our Lutheran history and grow in an understanding of what we believe. Class will meet at 8:00AM Sunday mornings in the fellowship hall.
June 4 | 2 Chronicles 21-22, John 14 |
June 5 | 2 Chronicles 23-24, John 15 |
June 6 | 2 Chronicles 25-27, John 16 |
June 7 | 2 Chronicles 28-29, John 17 |
June 8 | 2 Chronicles 30-31, John 18:1-18 |
June 9 | 2 Chronicles 32-33, John 18:19-40 |
June 10 | 2 Chronicles 34-36, John 19:1-22 |
June 11 | Ezra 1-2, John 19:23-42 |
June 12 | Ezra 3-5, John 20 |
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