Sunday, January 29, 2017

This Week @ St. John

  • TUES 1/31- Happy 100th Birthday Ivin Kuhlmann
  • WED 2/1- 3:30PM Confirmation
  • SAT 2/4- 6:00PM Worship at Immanuel
  • SUN 2/5- 8:45AM Sunday School & Bible Study
    • 10:00AM Worship with Communion (Mite Box Sunday)

"Holy Scriptures are more than selected Bible passages ... It is God's revealed Word for all peoples, for all times. The Holy Scriptures do not consist of individual sayings, but are a whole and can be used most effectively as such. The Scriptures are God's revealed Word as a whole... 
"The full witness to Jesus Christ the Lord can be clearly heard only in its immeasurable inner relationships, in the connection of Old and New Testaments, of promise and fulfillment, sacrifice and law, Law and Gospel, cross and resurrection, faith and obedience, having and hoping. That is why daily worship together must include a longer Old and New Testament lesson besides the prayer of the Psalms." ~Dietrich Bonhoeffer, 'Life Together'

Sunday, January 22, 2017

This Week @ St.John

  • WED JAN 24- 3:30PM Confirmation
    • 7:00PM Elders' Meeting
  • SAT JAN 28- 6:00PM Worship at St.Luke, Ricketts
  • SUN JAN 29- 8:45AM Sunday School & Bible Study
    • 9:30AM Refreshments in Fellowship Hall
    • 10:00AM 5th SUN Contemporary Worship
    • 1:00PM Pastor preaching at Denison Care Center
    • 2:00PM at Eventide Lutheran Home
    • 2:45PM at Silveridge Retirement Community
    • 7:00PM Adult Instruction Class

Sunday, January 15, 2017

No LYF Mtg. Tonight (Sun Jan 15, 2017)

FYI LYF- Pastor is postponing tonight's meeting until next Sunday night due to the impending ice storm. Stay safe everybody.

This Week @ St.John

COMMITTEE CHAIRS/ORGANIZATION LEADERS- Please remember to submit your Annual Reports to Linda in the office by or before Wednesday, Thank You!
  • WED JAN 18- 3:30PM Confirmation
    • 7:00PM Voters' Meeting
  • SAT JAN 21- 6:00PM Worship with Communion at St.Luke, Ricketts
  • SUN JAN 22- 8:45PM Sunday School & Bible Classes
    • 10:00AM Worship
    • 7:00PM LYF Meeting (postponed from last week due to ice storm
  • COMING SOON- MOVIE NIGHT Sunday, February 12 at 6:00PM
    The Erwin Brothers' 'Mom's Night Out' (2004) Starring Sean Astin, Patricia Heaton & featuring Trace Adkins; Free popcorn & pop, sponsored by the Board of Christian Education.

Sunday, January 08, 2017

This Week @ St.John

  • TUES JAN 10- 8:45AM Pastor at Pastor's Conferenece, Mapleton
  • WED JAN 11- 3:30PM Confirmation
    • 7:30PM Church Council Meeting
  • SAT JAN 14- 6:00PM Worship with Communion at St.Luke, Ricketts
  • SUN JAN 15- 8:45AM Sunday School & Bible Class
    • 10:00AM Worship with Communion
    • 6:00PM Adult Instruction Class
    • 7:00PM LYF Meeting
  • WED JAN 18- 7:30PM Voter's Meeting
  • TIME TO RENEW- If you subscribe to (or would like to subscribe to) the Lutheran Witness, the cost for 2017 is $22.67. 

Sunday, January 01, 2017

This Week @ St.John

  • MON 1/2- Church Offices Closed
  • TUES 1/3- 6:30AM Men's Bible Study
    • 4:00PM LWML Meeting
  • WED 1/4- 3:30PM Confirmation
  • SAT 1/7- 6:00PM Worship with Communion at St. Luke, Ricketts
  • SUN 1/8- 8:45AM Sunday School & Bible Study
    • 10:00AM Worship; Installation of 2017 Church Officers
    • 11:00AM Finance Board Meeting
    • 7:00PM Adult Instruction Class
  • Please pray for our newly elected Church officers being installed on Sunday, January 8th:
    President Kevin Clausen, Vice President Kyle Schultz, Secretary Linda Nepper, Treasurer Becky Dorale, Financial Secretary Roger & Patti Kunze, Elder Steve Kuhlmann, Board of Finance Rod Kunze & Carlos Castillo, Trustee Brad Bramley, Board of Education Leon Meseck, Mission Secretary Joel Kuhlmann and Stewardship Secretary Byron Weiss.
  • TO CELEBRATE THE 500th ANNIVERSARY OF THE REFORMATION Make a New Year's Resolution to read through the Bible in a Year! There are Reading Schedules available in the church lobby on the counter, or scroll down or search this website for resources, or look for them on our Facebook page.
  • GROW IN FAITH & YOUR RELATIONSHIP WITH GOD. Three great ways for God to get His Word into your mind, heart & spirit is Word, Prayer & Fellowship. Commit to reading the Bible everyday (even if you don't get through the entire thing in a year), Commit to daily prayer. If you'd like to join our prayer chain, let Linda in the office know. Commit to coming to church weekly (even if you miss a Sunday once in a while). Commit to these three things in 2017 and see how God works in and through your life!
[Oh, the joys of those who...] delight in doing everything God wants them to, and day and night are always meditating on his laws and thinking about ways to follow him more closely. They are like trees along a riverbank bearing luscious fruit each season without fail. Their leaves shall never wither, and all they do shall prosper. ~PSALM 1:2-3