Sunday, March 27, 2016

This Week @ St.John

•Mon-Tues 3/28-29- Pastor out of office
Wed 3/30- No Ladies Lenten Retreat
3:30pm Confirmation
7:00pm 135th Committee Meeting
Sun 4/3- 8:45am Sunday School & Bible Class
10:00am Worship with Communion (Mite Box Sun, Acolytes; Tanner & Adam)
4:00pm Circuit Easter Service at Immanuel, Schleswig
7:00pm Adult Instruction

Saturday, March 26, 2016

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Lift High the Cross...

Member Adam Dorale constructed a cross which will also be a swing set. Volunteers have leveled the ground and poured a concrete footing in preparation for raising the cross/swing-set. The set is the first of a number of improvements being made to St.John's neighborhood playground.

Holy Week

WED 3/23- 9:00am Ladies' Lenten Retreat
3:30pm Confirmation (7th&8th Easter Skit rehearsal, may run till 5:30pm)
MAUNDY THURSDAY 3/24- 7:00pm Worship with communion (acolytes: Hailey & MaKia)
GOOD FRIDAY 3/24- 7:00pm Tenebrea Service (acolytes: Evelyn & Loryn)
HOLY SATURDAY 3/26- 9:00am LYF practice for Easter processional/ set up for Easter worship & breakfast.
EASTER SUNDAY 3/27- 6:30am Sunrise Worship w/ communion (acolytes: Hailey & MaKia)
7:30am Annual LYF Easter Breakfast
8:45am Sunday School (no adult Bible study)
10:00am Worship w/ communion (acolytes: Enelyn & Loryn)
TUES 4/5 8:30am Kitchen cleaning day
SUN 4/10- Board of Christian  Ed. sponsors Family Swim Day at King's Pointe Water Park in Storm Lake; leave from church at noon.

Sunday, March 13, 2016

This Week @ St.John

MON 3/14- 6:30pm Curch Council Mtg.
WED 3/16- 9:00AM Ladies Lenten Retreat
3:30pm Confirmation
7:00PM Lenten Midweek Worship (Acolytes; Keely & Annamarie)
8:00PM Elders Meeting
THURS 3/17- 9:00AM LWML Prayer Service at Immanuel
SUN 3/20- 8:45AM Sunday School & Bible Study
10:00AM PALM SUNDAY Worship with Communion (Sunday School Procession & Song)
6:00PM Adult Instruction
7:00PM Lenten Bible Study

Sunday, March 06, 2016

This Week @ St.John

•Mon 3/7- 7:00pm Playground Committe Meeting
•Tues 3/8- Pastor at Pastor's Conference St.Paul, Ute
•Wed 3/9- 9:00am Ladies Lenten Retreat
•3:30pm Confirmation
•7:00pm Lenten Midweek Worship
•Thurs 3/10- 1:00pm 125/135 Committee Meeting
•Sun 3/13- 8:45am Sunday School/Bible Study
•10:00am Worship
•11:00am Finance Board Mtg.
•6:00pm Adult Instruction Class
•7:00pm Lenten Bible Study