Sunday, January 31, 2016

Lenten Midweek Services; 'Places of the Passion'

Lent begins on Ash Wednesday, February 10. Midweek services will be held every Wednseday during Lent beginning at 7:00PM.

The Ash Wednesday service will include Holy Communion. The Sunday School will host a soup supper before, beginning at 5:30PM. A free-will offering will be collected with proceeds going toward scholarships for kids attending Camp Okoboji this Summer. LYF and Sunday School will alternate every other Wednesday serving desserts after services.

There is an sign-up sheet on the counter in the front walkway for anyone interested in Lenten Bible Study Sunday evenings February 14-March 20

The theme this year is "Places of the Passion." Pastors of the member congregations of the Mapleton Circuit will rotate around member churches each Wednesday.

  • FEB 10 (Ash Wed)- Pastor Merrill | "A Place at the Table for You"
  • FEB 17- Pastor Frank, Triple Parish Ricketts |  "The Courtyard: A Place of Renewal"
  • FEB 24- Pastor Merrill | "The Betrayal: A Place of Eternal Love"
  • MAR 2- Pastor Cormeny, St. John Battle Creek | "Gethsemane: A Place of Strength"
  • MAR 9- Pastor Salcido, St. Paul Ida Grove | "The Upper Room; A Place of Service"
  • MAR 16- Pastor Merrill | "The Trial: A Place of God's Will"
  • MAR 24- Maundy Thursday 7:00PM | "The Last Supper: A Place of Forgiveness"
  • MAR 25- Good Friday Tenebrae 7:00PM | "Golgatha: A Place of Simple Love"
  • MAR 27- Easter Son-Rise Worship 6:30AM | (Non part of the Series)
    • Easter Festival Worship 10:00AM | "The Empty Tomb: A Place of Remembering"

Help Support Thy Strong Word

Sign up to become an underwriter for our local LCMS radio devotional program. If you would like to sponsor 'Thy Strong Word' please sign up for the month of your choice and for how much you'd like to sponsor. One daily broadcast costs $19. You can sponsor one day, or a whole week. The sign-up sheet is on the bulletin board in the front walkway. Thank you for your help in keeping this meaningful ministry on the air.


Sunday, February 28, will be Concordia Sunday at St.John. Rev. Brian Friedrich, President of Concordia University in Seward, NE will be our guest preacher and will also lead Bible class that day. Rev. Friedrich is the son of Rev.Henry Friedrich, former pastor of St. John.

He will share information about opportunities for Lutheran education after high school. High school youth and parents are encouraged to attend his Bible class that day.

There will be a potluck dinner after the service to welcome President Friedrich and his family. Please bring a main dish, salad or dessert to share.

This Week @ St. John

  • TUES 2/2- 6:30AM Men's Bible Study
  • WED 2/3- 3:30pm Confirmation
    • 7:00PM Spec.Church Council Mtg.
  • THRS 2/4- 1:30PM LWML Meeting
  • SAT 2/6- 9;00PM LYF Pizza Preparation
    • 11:00AM-1:00PM LYF Pizza Pick-Up
  • SUN 2/7- 8:45AM Sunday School & Bible Class
    • 10:00AM Worship with Communion (Mite Box Sun.)

  • CHECK YOUR MAILBOX for the February Church Newsletter
  • PLEASE CHECK THE NEWSLETTER to see if/when you're scheduled to serve as USHER, GREETER, or ACOLYTE.
  • CHECK THE BACK OF THE SANCTUARY for your box of new offering envelopes if you haven't yet
  • & BE SURE TO CHECK THE COUNTER UNDER THE BULLETIN BOARD IN THE FRONT WALKWAY for your annual giving statement tax document
  • CHECK THE COUNTER IN THE WALKWAY for a copy of the 2015 Annual Report which includes 2016 volunteer schedules (Altar Committee, greeters, Acolytes, Ushers & Elders)

Sunday, January 24, 2016

This Week @ St.John

WED 1/27- 3:30pm Confirmation
7:00pm Elders Meeting
SUN 1/31- 8:45am Sunday School & Bible Study
9:30am coffee & donuts
10:00am Contemporary Worship in the fellowship hall
6:00pm Family Movie Night

Sunday, January 17, 2016


Plan now to attend our annual Family Movie Night sponsored by the Board of Christian Education (Sunday School). On Sunday, January 31 at 6:00pm we'll be screening 'When the Game Stands Tall.' 

Inspired by a true story, this film takes you through the remarkable journey of legendary football coach Bob Ladouceur who took the DeLaSalle High School Spartans from obscurity to a 151 game winning streak that shattered all American sports records. When the streak is broken and tragedy strikes the team, the coach must teach his players and their entire town that its not about how you fall, but how you get back up.

Bring your whole family and friends too and enjoy free popcorn & drinks along with this inspirational and touching film.

This Week @ St.John

WED 1/20- 3:30pm Confirmation
7:30pm Voters Meeting
SUN 1/24- 8:45am Sunday School & Bible Class
10:00am Worship

Sunday, January 10, 2016

This Week @ St.John

•Mon Jan 11-7:30pm Board of CHRISTIAN Education Meeting
•Tues Jan 12- 8:45am Pastor's Conference at Immanuel, Schleswig
•Wed Jan 13- 3:30pm Confirmation
7:30pm Church Council Mtg.
•Sun Jan 17- 8:45am Sunday School & Bible Class
10:00am Worship with Communnion
Life Sunday, Sunday School sings, door offering for Pastor Vogel/Hispanic Congregation

Thursday, January 07, 2016


St John LYF will be selling ready-made pizzas available for pick-up on February 6. Available for $10 each are 10" cheese, pepperoni, beef, and sausage pizzas. Conveniently ready for your Super Bowl parties or game day dinner! Place your order in the church lobby following service, talk to an LYF member, or call the church office at 678-3312. We appreciate your support.

Sunday, January 03, 2016

Serving January 2016

Head Elder; Steve Kuhlmann

Head Usher; Dwight Goslar
Ushers; Allan Neddermeyer, Ralph Dorale, Norman Klinker, Kevin Pester, Jason French, & Nolan Neddermeyer


  • 10th & 31st- Steve & Deb Kuhlmann & Mona Pithan
  • 3rd & 24th- Lois Butler
  • 10th & 24th- Deb/Dan Kuhlmann
  • 3rd & 17th- Leesa Kuhlmann


  • 3rd & 10th- Justice McCartney & Annamarie Mallory
  • 17th & 24th- Justin Hansen & Adam Castillo
  • 31st & Feb 7th- Loryn Schultz & Taryn Finkhouser
Altar Committee; Marilyn Pirwitz & Betty Henschen

If you are unable to serve, please seek a substitute and let the office or Head Elder know who you switched with- thank you.

This Week @ St.John

•TUES 1/5- 6:30am Men's Bible Study
•WED 1/6- 3:30pm Confirmation
•THR 1/7- 1:30pm LWML
•SUN 1/10- 8:45am Sunday School/Bible Class
•10:00am Worship
•11:00am Finance Board