Lent begins on Ash Wednesday, February 18. Midweek services will be held every Wednesday during Lent beginning at 7:00PM. The Ash Wednesday service will include Holy Communion. The Sunday School will serve supper before the Ash Wed. service at 5:30PM. A free will offering will be collected with proceeds going toward scholarships for children attending Camp Okoboji this Summer.
The theme of this year's Lenten Midweek series is "The Parables of Lent." Once again St. John will be participating in a rotation with other congregations in the Mapleton Circuit. Each week on of the neighboring pastors will bring a different message in the series.
The Lenten Midweek Schedule for St. John
- FEB 18 (ASH WED)- Pastor Merrill, "Receive Mercy; The Good Samaritan"
- FEB 25- Pastor Manley, St. Paul Ute, "Receive the Treasure; The Hidden Treasure and the Priceless Pearl"
- MAR 4- Pastor Cormeny, St. John Battle Creek, "Receive the Word; The Sower and the Seed"
- MAR 11- Pastor Jensen, St. Matthew Mapleton, "Receive Justification; The Pharisee and the Tax Collector"
- MAR 18- Pastor Salcido, St.Paul Ida Grove, "Receive Forgiveness; The Prodigal Son"
- MAR 25- Pastor Frank, Triple Parish Ricketts, "Receive Grace; The Workers in the Vineyard"