The 'Thy Strong Word' radio program is in need of money. Help keep this ministry on the air. Consider making a donation toward programming costs. Ask Pastor or the Linda in the office how. Thank you.
The following opportunities to serve came up at the Voter's Meeting, last Wednesday, January 21:
LAY DELEGATE NEEDED to the Iowa District West Convention this Summer at Camp Okoboji, June 21-23. This delegate will participate in the election of District Officials, including a new IDW President. as well as voting on resolutions which will set District goals for the next 3 years. The congregation pays the fees so meals and accommodations will be provided. Please speak to Pastor or Ted Mallory if you would be interested in serving as our Lay Delegate.
MEMORIAL FUND OPPORTUNITY- St.John would like to invest in a set of compact discs of hymns & liturgical music in the even that we ever find ourselves without organists for an extended period of time. If any families have undesignated memorial money and would like to help make this purchase possible, please contact either Karleen Beeck or the church office know.
ST.JOHN PLAYGROUND RESTORATION/IMPROVEMENT- We are establishing a committee to look into ideas for brightening and restoring the old Lutheran School playground. Many children and families use the playground and we also see it as an outreach to the community. Benches, signs, artwork, and new equipment are all ideas being considered. If you have any ideas for the playground or would like to be part of our new "Playground Outreach Committee" please contact Pastor or Ted Mallory.