Sunday, January 25, 2015

We Need Your Help

The 'Thy Strong Word' radio program is in need of money. Help keep this ministry on the air. Consider making a donation toward programming costs. Ask Pastor or the Linda in the office how. Thank you.

The following opportunities to serve came up at the Voter's Meeting, last Wednesday, January 21:

LAY DELEGATE NEEDED to the Iowa District West Convention this Summer at Camp Okoboji, June 21-23. This delegate will participate in the election of District Officials, including a new IDW President. as well as voting on resolutions which will set District goals for the next 3 years. The congregation pays the fees so meals and accommodations will be provided. Please speak to Pastor or Ted Mallory if you would be interested in serving as our Lay Delegate.

MEMORIAL FUND OPPORTUNITY- St.John would like to invest in a set of compact discs of hymns & liturgical music in the even that we ever find ourselves without organists for an extended period of time. If any families have undesignated memorial money and would like to help make this purchase possible, please contact either Karleen Beeck or the church office know.

ST.JOHN PLAYGROUND RESTORATION/IMPROVEMENT- We are establishing a committee to look into ideas for brightening and restoring the old Lutheran School playground. Many children and families use the playground and we also see it as an outreach to the community. Benches, signs, artwork, and new equipment are all ideas being considered. If you have any ideas for the playground or would like to be part of our new "Playground Outreach Committee" please contact Pastor or Ted Mallory.

LWML Winter Brunch

Sunday, February 15th
St.John's Fellowship Hall
Pancakes, French Toast, Scrambled Eggs & Ham, Applesauce, Pastries & Beverages

Free Will Donation

Sponsored by
St.John Lutheran's 
Lutheran Womens' Missionary League (LWML)
Charter Oak, IA

ALl proceeds will go toward LWML Projects

LCEF Scholarship Fund

Iowa District West has $1,000 College Scholarships available for students from LCMS congregations. The application deadline is February 28. Visit for details and application forms.

CHAOS Junior High Retreat

The Christians Hyped About Our Savior (CHAOS) Retreat for 6th-8th Graders will be held at Camp Okaboji Friday & Saturday, February 27-28. Registration forms are due back to Pastor by Sunday, February 1st.

3 Things to pick up if you haven't yet...

  1. Directory Photos- if you have not received your photos from Lifetouch yet or if there was an error in your order, please let Linda Kuhlmann in the church office know.
  2. Offering Envelope Boxes are on a table in the back of the sanctuary.
  3. Year-End Giving Statements for your 2014 Taxes are in a pink box on the counter, unnder the bulletin boards, in the entryway near Pastor's office.

This Week @ St.John

Mon-Sat Jan 26-Feb 1: Hear Pastor Merrill host 'Thy Strong Word' at 6:25am on KDSN 1530AM/107.1FM. You can even listen online at
•WED 1/28- 3:30pm Confirmation
•7:00pm Elders Meeting
•SUN 2/1- 8:45am Sunday School & Bible Study
•10:00am- Worship (Mite BoxSun)
•2:00pm-4:00pm Open House for Art & Lortaine Beeck

Sunday, January 18, 2015

This Week @ St.John

•WED 1/21- 3:30pm Confirmation
7:30pm Annual Voters' Meeting
•SAT 1/24- 9:00am LYF Soup Spreparation
•SUN 1/25- 8:45am Sunday School & Bible Class
10:020am Worship
LYF Soup-to-Go orders available after worship

Sunday, January 11, 2015

This Week @ St.John

  • MON JAN 12- 7:00PM Board of Education Meeting
  • TUE JAN 13- 8:45Am Pastor at Circuit Pastors' Conference at Zion, Luth. in Denison
  • WED JAN 14- 3:30PM Confirmation
    • 7:30PM Council Meeting
  • SUN JAN 18- 8:45AM Sunday School & Bible Class
    • 10:00AM Worship with Communion, Life Sunday, Free Will Offering for Hispanic Mission ministry of Rev.Vogel
    • 1:00PM Pastor Merrill at Denison Care Center
    • 2:00PM Pastor at Eventide
    • 2:45PM Pastor at Silveridge
    • 7:00PM LYF Meeting
  • WED JAN 21- 7:30PM Annual Voter's Meeting
OFFICERS & COMMITTEES, Please get your 4th Quarter & Annual Reports to Linda in the Office as soon as possible.

SCHEDULES- Please let Linda know if you'd be open to serving as an usher or greeter this year.

Sunday, January 04, 2015

This Week @ St.John: Happy Epiphany!

MON Jan 5- 7:00PM Board of Education Mtg.
TUES Jan 6- 6:30AM Men's Bible Study
WED Jan 7- 3:30PM Confirmation
THURS Jan 8- 1:30PM LWML Mtg.
SUN Jan 9- 8:45AM Sunday School & Bible Class
10:00AM Worship
11:00AM Finance Board Mtg.

Coming up...
WED Jan 14- 7:30PM Church Council Mtg.
WED Jan 21- 7:30PM Annual Voters' Mtg.
SUN Jan 25- LYF Soup-to-Go