Pastor invites us to join along with members of the Ricketts Triple Parish to carol at nursing homes in Denison this afternoon. The plan is to visit Eventide, the Care Center, the Reed House & Real Life.
If you'd like to join, meet up at the Denison Care a Center at 3:15PM today, Sunday, adec. 14. See you there!
Tues Dec 9- Pastor at Circuit Pastors Conference at Triple Parish South
Wed Dec 10- 3:30PM Confirmation
5:00PM 1-8 Grade Practice for Children's Christmas Service
6:45PM Carol Singing
7:00PM Midweek Advent Worship
Sun Dec 14- 8:45AM Sunday School/Bible Study
10:00AM Worship
11:00AM Finance Board Mtg.
11:00AM LWML Christmas Bake Sale/Lunch
POINSETTIA ORDERS- Sign up for Poinsettias in the front walkway. Please include your name, the name of the person whom the flower is in memory of, and please mark if you'd like to keep it after Christmas. Place $8 in the envelope or give it to Linda in the office. Thank You.