Sunday, October 26, 2014

This Week @ St.John

TUES 10/28- 1:00PM Quilting
WED 10/29- 9:00AM Ladies' Bible Study
3:30PM Confirmation
6:30PM Quilting
SUN 11/2- 2:00AM Daylight Savings Time ends, "Fall back"
8:45AM Sunday School & Bible Study
10:00AM Worship with Communion, All Saints
Dedication of quilts & quilt rack.
German Heritage Tour Presentation & Pot-Luck

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Pastor on Streaming Lutheran Internet Radio

Pastor Merrill has been invited to be a guest on the "His Time" radio program on KFUO AM, the Synod's radio station. The program will be aired on Monday, October 27. Pastor will be interviewed for "The Daily Lectionary" Bible Study segment which airs from 8:04am-8:40am and will have the sermonette for the daily Matins service broadcast from 9:05am-9:30am. The text for that day will be Matthew 18:21-35. You may listen to the streamed broadcast at

This Week @ St.John

•TUES 10/21- 1:00pm Quilting
•WED 10/22- 9:00am Ladies Bible Study
         3:30pm Confirmation
         8:00pm Elders Meeting
•SUN 10/26- 8:45am Sunday School & Bible Study
         10:00am Worship

If you would like to serve as an usher or greeter in 2015, please let Linda know on the office.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Don't forget about the 8-Week Challenge!

Hi from Ted (not Pastor), 

At last night's Voters Meeting, Pastor used John 1:1-5&14 to remind us that one of the things that make Lutherans distinctly Lutheran is that we believe that God is with us. Jesus comes to us and dwells with us TODAY, here and now in His Word and sacraments.

In Matthew 18: 20 Jesus tells us that "whenever two or more of you are gathered together in My name, I am with you." So that means He is with is when we read the Bible and pray, He is with us in baptism and holy communion, AND He is with us when we come together to worship Him, study His Word together and seek Him in prayer together.

Pastor has been encouraging us to take up an 8-Week challenge to develop good spiritual habits like personal devotion time, Bible reading, prayer, and church and Bible study attendance. I'd like to take advantage of being St.John's Webmaster to encourage you too.

James 4:8 tells us that if we "Draw near to God and He will draw near to you."

If you'd like God to become real in your life, ask Him.

Our family has been trying to hold devotions after supper together. We're busy, so we haven't been perfect about it, but we're trying. Its given us wonderful opportunities to talk about our faith during the week (not just Sunday, not just during Advent).

I try (not always perfect about it, but I try) to make personal time for God every morning. So when Pastor issued his 8-Week challenge, I wasn't sure what more to do. I personally re-committed to praying for others, not just for my own needs and worries and I committed to deliberately find things to be grateful and thank God for. This really has been a challenge, because by nature, I'm pretty negative and whiney.

Its not too late to take up the challenge. Just because you start now, instead of back when we kicked it off, God can still use it grow your faith and your relationship with Him. If you don't hold to it perfectly each and every day, so what? Each day is a new chance to start over. 

Finally,  I don't just want to encourage you to take up the challenge, I want to encourage you to find ways to encourage each other. You can remind each other about and invite each other to worship, bible-study, and other church events. Remind each other and invite each other to pray for one another. Offer to pray for specific needs or worries. Ask each other- "Is there anything I can pray about for you?"

As long as you've been reading this anyway, don't forget that October is Pastor/Clergy Appreciation Month. How can we encourage Pastor Merrill? You may want to send him a note, say a kind word, or even consider a gift for him. Can I give you another challenge? Would you please make it a habit to pray for our pastor every day? Ask God to protect him, bless him, provide for him and and guide him.

24 Let us think of ways to motivate one another to acts of love and good works. 25 And let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do, but encourage one another, especially now that the day of his return is drawing near. Hebrews 10:24-25New Living Translation (NLT)

2015 Church Officers

24 Let us think of ways to motivate one another to acts of love and good works. 25 And let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do, but encourage one another, especially now that the day of his return is drawing near. Hebrews 10:24-25New Living Translation (NLT)

Everyone is invited to attend voters meetings each January, April, July and October. Watch this Website, monthly newsletters and weekly bulletins for announcements about voters meetings. Fourteen (14) voters attended last night's Quarterly Voters Meeting (out of 422 communicant members). These members approved a $183,760 budget for 2015, a 4% increase over this year. These members also elected the following members to church offices for 2015:

  • Ted Mallory 
  • Kevin Clausen 
  • Linda Nepper
  • Becky Dorale 
  • Colin Gierstorf
  • Ralph Dorale
  • Otto & Jane Kunze
  • Roger & Patty Kunze
  • Gary Schau
  • Bethany Mallory
  • Craig Brodersen
  • Lee Kuhlmann
  • Byron Weiss
  • Don Friedrichs 

Sunday, October 12, 2014

This Week @ St.John

  • TUES 10/14- 8:45AM Circuit Pastors' Conference at St. Paul, Ute
    • 1:00PM Quilting (*see below)
  • WED 10/15- 9:00AM Ladies' Bible Study
    • 3:30PM Confirmation (7&8th till 5:45PM)
    • 4:45PM-6:30PM LYF helping with food distribution at Open Cupboard in Mapleton. Drivers needed, please call Valeta Pautsch or Karleen Beeck to let them know if you're participating.
    • 7:30PM Third Quarter Voters' Meeting
  • SUN 10/19- 8:45AM Sunday School & Bible Class
    • 10:00AM Worship with Communion
    • 7:00PM LYF Meeting
  • QUILTING- We are quilting every Tuesday in October. We gather in the Fellowship Hall at one o'clock, have a coffee break at 2:30PM and then continue quilting until around 4:00PM. We appreciate all you special ladies who gather with us to help tie the quilts. We enjoy the fun, food, & fellowship. Last Tuesday we tied 30 quilts with 14 people attending. Five people tied five quilts on Wednesday night. Join us if you can.

    October 29th at 6:30PM will be our last evening quilting. Everyone is welcome- all ages. This is a valuable mission project. There are many men, women, and children who could use the warmth, comfort and security of a quilt made by your loving hands.
  • LUTHERAN HERITAGE TOUR OF GERMANY- Pastor Merrill, Marge & Allan Neddermeyer and Annette & Bob Stoltze will share many of their memories and experiences with us at an "Oktoberfest"/Reformation Pot-Luck on Sunday, November 2, All Soul's Day
  • CHURCH DIRECTORY PICTURES-  Lifetouch Photography will be shooting family portraits Wednesday through Saturday, November 19-22. Sittings are free but portrait packages will be for sale. Appointments will be available 2:00PM-9:00PM Mon-Fri and 9:30AM-4:00PM Saturday. Please watch the church Website and Sunday Bulletins for further information coming soon!

2015 Ballot | Wed. Oct. 15 Voters' Meeting

Please join us at Wednesday night's Voter's Meeting. We'll be voting for next year's officers and approving the 2015 church budget. If you haven't been to a Voter's before, all you need to do is be a confirmed member and sign your name.

We hope that God's Spirit, and all St. John members (including you) will help guide us in our decision making so that we'll be sure to continue offering the love of Jesus with open arms!

Ballot of candidates for 2015 Church OfficerNames not currently on the ballot for officers can be nominated at the Voter's Meeting before the vote is taken.


  • Ted Mallory (i*)
  • Dean Berens


  • Kevin Clausen (i)
  • Randy Steffen

  • Linda Nepper (i)
  • Sheli Pester

  • Becky Dorale (i)

  • Colin Gierstorf (i)
  • Ralph Dorale

  • Otto & Jane Kunze (i)

  • Roger & Patty Kunze (i)

  • Gary Schau

  • Bethany Mallory (i)
  • Kay Galvin

  • Larry Krapfl (i)
  • Craig Brodersen
  • Steve Gonnerman
  • Lee Kuhlmann

  • Byron Weiss (i)
  • Verdell Henningsen

  • Don Friedrichs (i)
  • Bob Stoltze Jr.

Sunday, October 05, 2014

This Week @ St.John

•8Week Challenge
•Tues 10/7- 6:30am Men's Bible Study
1:00pm Quilting
•Wed 10/8- 9:00am Women's Bible Study
3:30pm Confirmation
6:30pm Quilting
7:30pm Council Meeting
•Sun  10/12- 8:45am Sunday School & Bible Study
10:00am Worship, LWML Sunday
1:00pm Pastor preaches at Denison Care Center
2:00pm Pastor at Eventide
2:45pm Pastor at Siveridge

Wednesday, October 01, 2014

This Week @ St.John

• Thursday Oct 3-  1:30pm LWML mtg.
• Sunday Oct 6- 8:45am Sunday School/Bible Study
•10:00am Worship with Communion
8-Week Challenge Begin
3:30pm LYF Hayride hosted by Triple Parish/Ricketts