Sunday, August 31, 2014

This Week @ St.John

After worship on Sunday, August 31, Pastor Merrill & the members of the Board of Elders participated in the ALS Ice-Bucket Challenge. This Sunday, a free-will offering was collected for the family of Aaron Brodersen, a member of St. John who has been stricken with ALS. Please plan to attend the Brodersen Family Benefit dinner & auction in Charter Oak 5:00-8:00PM this upcoming Saturday, September 6. Please also keep the Brodersens in your prayers.

  • MON 9/1- Offices closed for Labor Day
  • TUES 9/2- 6:30AM Men's Bible Study
  • WED 9/3- 3:30PM Confirmation
    • 6:30PM LYF Meeting/Cookout at Charter Oak City Park
  • THUR 9/4- 1:30PM LWML Meeting
  • SUN 9/7- 8:45AM Sunday School & Bible Class Resume
    • 10:00AM Worship with Communion (LWML Mite-Box Sunday)
NEEDED- 5/6 Grade Sunday School Teacher(s), & Memory Work- Listeners, please let Pastor, the office, or Peggy Sue Henschen know if you can help!

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Why we teach Confirmation classes

We will not hide them from their children, 
telling the next generation the praises of Yahweh, 
and his power and his wonders that he has done. 
Psalm 78:4

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Needed: 5/6 Grade Sunday School Teacher(s)

Please contact Peggy Sue, Pastor, or the Office if you can help. Thank You!

Sunday, August 24, 2014

This Week @ St.John

  • WED 8/26- 7:00pm Confirmation Orientation Meeting
  • SUN 8/31-This will be the last Sunday at Summer 9:00am Worship Time- returns to 8:40 Sunday School & 10:00am Worship beginning Sept.7.
    • 8:30am Fellowship Time w/ Coffee & Donuts Etc.
    • 9:00am Contemporary Worship in the Fellowship Hall
    • Following: Pastor Merrill & the Board of Elders face the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge!
  • WED 9/3- 6:30pm LYF Organizational Meeting (rescheduled from Sun 8/24)
  • SAT 9/6- Brodersen Family Benefit Dinner (5-8pm) & Auction (6pm) at the Charter Oak Community Building
    • For questions or to donate items to the auction, please call Joanne at 269-1350 or Ken at 515-490-7251

Sunday, August 17, 2014

This Week @ St. John

  • Tues 8/19- Pastor Merrill at Circuit Visitors Meeting
  • Wed 8/20- 2:30pm Pastor leads worship with Communion at Eventide
    • 6:00pm Elders Meeting at parsonage
  • Sun 8/24- 9:00am Worship, free will offering for tornado recovery in Pilgar, NE
    • 6:00pm Organizational LYF Meeting
THY STRONG WORD- $57 is due from our account supporting the LCMS Radio program 'Thy Strong Word,' if you can, please help with a donation.

QUILTERS- Need more sheets. Please bring your clean used or lightly used (or new if you're so inclined) sheets to the church office to help the LWML Quilting Ministry team. Thank you.

SUNDAY SCHOOL TEACHERS NEEDED- We're still looking for teachers to share PK, 5/6 and for memory work listeners. Please let Sunday School Superintendent Peggy Sue Henschen, Pastor or Linda in the office know if you'd be interested in helping.

CONFIRMATION ORIENTATION MEETING- August 27 at 7:00pm in the Fellowship Hall. All Confirmation students and their parents are asked to attend. If you are unable to make it, please call Pastor to let him know. Confirmation classes begin on September 3rd.

Monday, August 11, 2014

This Week @ St. John

Pastor on Vacation until Saturday

  • SAT Aug 16- 6:00pm Worship with Communion
  • SUN Aug 17- 9:00am Worship with Communion
    • Adult Bible Study Class on hiatus during August, Sunday School resumes September 7.