Sunday, June 29, 2014

This Week @ St.John

Pastor leads contemporary worship in the Fellowship Hall, Sunday, June 29
  • MON 6/30- 6:00pm Board of Education Mtg.
  • TUES 7/1- 6:30am Men's Bible Study
  • WED 7/2- 7:30pm Church Council Mtg.
  • THR 7/3- 1:30pm LWML
  • FRI 7/4- Office Closed
Happy Independence Day
"Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom." -2 Corinthians 3:17
  • SUN 7/6- 8:00am Mark Wolfram speaking at Bible Class
    • 9:00am Worship with Communion
    • 10:00am Pastor at St. Paul, Ute
    • 1:00pm Pastor at Denison Care Center
    • 2:00pm Pastor at Eventide Lutheran Home
    • 2:45pm Pastor at Silveridge
JOB OPENING... Needed; an assistant part time custodian. If interested or have questions, please call one of the trustees: Adam Dorale, Melvin Neddermeyer, Dan Kuhlman, or the church office 678-3630. Thank You.

'WE CARE TUBS'... are being assembled, the IDW office will distribute them. First, tubs will be given to those who were affected by the flooding in Rock Rapids. Later, tubs will be given to families affected by tornadoes in Nebraska. A list of items needed for We Care Tubs is on the bulletin board in the front entryway. More information to come.

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Vacation Bible School July 2014

Registration is open for ages preschool – 6th grade who will attend VBS from Sunday, July 27 to Thursday, July 31, 6-8:30 PM. Don’t miss the boat! Set sail with us to sing fun songs, do crazy crafts, eat yummy snacks, play awesome games, andmore. Plus, you’ll learn all about Jesus our Savior and His amazing grace! Can’t wait to see you there! To register, call the church office at 678-3312 or Bethany at 269-5970.
Connect Children with God’s Eternal Good News at VBS: Every child needs to hear the Good News that Jesus their Savior calls us, teaches us, keeps us safe, saves us, and provides all we need by His amazing grace through faith. At Gangway to Galilee VBS, you will connect children with the most important message of their lifetime: the miraculous story of what Jesus did for us what we could never do for ourselves. If you can help full or part time, we have many ways to be involved to suit your schedule and interests. Call Bethany at 269-5970 or, for more information. Join us for an Amazing Grace Adventure!
Right now we are considering providing sack lunches each night for the children who attend VBS.  Our experiences in past years have indicated that when we provide a meal, we reach more children in the community.  This is an awesome mission opportunity for our church! We need someone (or a couple of someones) to gather the food materials and supplies for this lunch program.  There are many volunteers that desire to help make and pack lunches, but what is needed is the organizer. Please prayerfully consider this opportunity to use your time and talents.  Contact Bethany by or before July 1 so we can plan accordingly. Unfortunately, without a volunteer for this role, the meal cannot be provided.
Supplies needed for seaside decorations for VBS:  (to be returned to owner)  wicker laundry baskets, casting fish nets, palm trees, life preservers, life jackets, pallets, huge cardboard tubes (used for palm trees and the pier).  Contact Bethany at 269-5790 if you can help.

This Week @ St.John

Wed 6/25- Lutheran Day at Adventureland
Sun6/29- 8:00AM Bible Class
8:30AM Rolls & coffee fellowship
9:00AM Contemporary Worshiping Fellowship Hall

Sunday, June 15, 2014

This Week @ St.John

Wed 6/18- 8:00pm Elders Meeting
Thurs-Sat 6/19-6/21 LWML Convention, Camp Okoboji
Sun 6/22- 8:00am Bible Study
9:00am Worship
1:00pm Pastor Merrill @ Denison Care Center, 2:00pm @ Eventide, 2:45pm @ Silveridge

Sunday, June 08, 2014

This Week @ St.John

SAT June 14- 6:00pm Worship with Communion
SUN June 15- 8:00am Bible Class
9:00am Worship with Comunion & Adult Confirmation, door offering for Rev. Vogel

Sunday, June 01, 2014

This Week @ St.John

•TUES 6/3- 6:30am Men's Bible Study
•THR 6/5- 1:30pm LWML Mtg.
•FRI-SAT 6/6-7- Area LWF CampOut at Crawford Creek
•SUN 6/8- 8:00am Bible Class led by guest Rev. Gerken
          •9:00am Worship, Rev. Gerken, guest preacher
          •10:00am Finance Board mtg.
          •6:00pm Adult Instruction Class