In today's Gospel, Matt 4:12-25, Jesus began His ministry in Galilee. He called His first of 12 disciples, and began preaching, teaching, and healing. Eventually, He would commission the disciples to go out as apostles and do the same; preach the good news of God's kingdom, teach about God's Word, and heal the sick and demon possessed.
The Lutheran Church~Missouri Synod encourages its members to engage in these same three ministries: Witness (preaching the Gospel), Living Together (teaching/discipleship and supporting and encouraging in fellowship), and Mercy (caring for others by feeding the poor, caring for the sick and needy and interceding for those lost and in darkness).
St.John witnesses/preaches God's Word & offers His Sacraments regularly at Sunday & midweek worship. We support missions and Pastor preaches at nursing homes and on 'Thy String Word' on KDSN.
St.John teaches/lives together through Sunday School, VBS, Confirmation, Adult Instruction, & HS & Adult Bible Studies as well as a variety of youth and adult organizations like LYF and LWML.
St.John, our organizations & members also have a variety of activities & services in which we reach out and care for the needs of others.
This month Pastor had been reminding us that the many gifts God has showered us with, like His salvation, forgiveness, love, grace, & material possessions- even our new fellowship hall- they're "not just for us," we need to share them.
Consider how you can participate with St.John in the ways we already preach, teach, and heal and please pray that God will show us ways that we as a congregation, as families and as individuals can preach, teach, and heal- to Witness, Live Together, and share God's Mercy.