- MON 12/2-
- TUE 12/3- 8:00AM LYF Prayer & Donuts
- WED 12/4- 3:30PM Confirmation
- 6:45PM Carol Singing
- 7:00PM Midweek Advent Service
- THR 12/5- LWML Christmas Party- Please bring your Red Boot with mites for missions and food products for the Open Cupboard instead of a gift exchange.
- SAT 12/7- 2:00PM LYF Planning MTG, Ricketts
- SUN 12/8- 8:45AM Sunday School & Bible Study
- 10:00AM Worship
- 11:00AM Finance Board Mtg.
- 4:00PM LYF Meeting
- MON 12/9- 1:00PM Blood Drive at Charter Oak Public Library
POINSETTIAS- Time to order your poinsettia. A sign up sheet is on the table in the church lobby. $12.
- Grades 1-8 December 11 & 18 at 5:00PM
- All ages (PK-8) Dec. 21 9:00AM-11:00AM
MEMORIAL IDEAS- If you have any ideas/suggestions for uses of memorial gift money, please give them to Memorial Secretary Karleen Beeck, Pastor, or an Elder.
EVENTIDE DELEGATES NEEDED- Two volunteers are needed from St.John to help with birthday parties, Bingo & Communion at Eventide Lutheran Home in Denison. Please let Linda Kuhlmann know in the Church office if you would be interested.