Sunday, March 03, 2013

This Week @ St.John

  • Tues MAR 5- 6:30am Men's Bible Study
  • Wed MAR 6- 9:00am Ladies Lenten Retreat
    • 3:30pm Confirmation
    • 7:00pm Midweek Lenten Service- Psalm 51 "Hiding from God or Hiding IN God?" Pastor Adam Pack, St.Paul, Ida Grove
      • LYF serving refreshments afterward
  • Sun MAR 10- 8:45am Sunday School & Bible Class
    • 10:00am Worship

QUILT TOP KITS are in the lobby

PLEASE TELL A TRUSTEE if you see any problems with the church or fellowship hall

PLEASE PROVIDE THE OFFICE YOUR CELL PHONE #, especially if you no longer have a home land-line

RECYCLE INK CARTRIDGES, CELL PHONES, ETC.- LWML collection box in the lobby

BASKETS OF PROMISE- March 10; combs, March 17; nail clippers, March 24; bars of soap- colleciton boxes in the lobby

INDIVIDUAL CONFESSION & ABSOLUTION available before Saturday morning, March 15, & before services Maundy Thursday & Good Friday.

KING'S POINT WATER PARK TRIP- Sponsored by the Board of Education at King's Point in Storm Lake Sunday, March 17. $5.35 per person (includes tax). Sign up in the lobby. Bring your friends!

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