Sunday, December 29, 2013

From Heaven Above to Earth I Come

Welcome to Earth, O noble guest,
through whom the sinful world is blest!
You came to share my misery
that You might share Your joy with me.

Glory to God in highest Heav'n
Who unto us His Son has giv'n
while angels sing with pious mirth
a glad New Year to all the Earth.

LSB 358: v.8 & 15

This Week @ St.John

Wed Jan 1- Church Office closed. Call Linda at 267-3250 for pastoral care referrals 
•Please submit year end reports for organizations & committees to Linda as soon as possible. Thank you.
•2014 Offering Envelopes are in the back of the church.
NEEDED- volunteers; 5 ushers, 2 head ushers, 13 greeters. Please call 678-3630 or see Linda in the office.
Thurs Jan 9- LWML Soup & Sandwich Luncheon at Noon. Guest speaker Rev. Harvey Hansen of Open Cupboard.
Luther's Germany Trip- Sept.7-19, 2014 led by Reverends Gregory Seltz & Kenneth Klaus of Lutheran Hour Ministries. Registration due Feb.1. More information on the bulletin board in the Church Lobby.

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

O God the Father, the fountain and source of all goodness, who in loving kindness sent Your only-begotten Son into the flesh, we thank You that for His sake You have given us pardon and peace... Always rule our hearts and minds by Your Holy Spirit that we may be enabled constantly to serve You...

Sunday, December 22, 2013

This Week @ St.John

•TUES 12/24- Office closed at Noon
6:30pm Christmas Eve Worship
•WED 12/25- 9:00am Christmas Day Worship with Communion
Pastor gone (after service) until Jan 2
•SUN 12/29- 8:45am Sunday School (no adult Bible class), 10:00am Worship

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

O Come All Ye Faithful

Come worship the Christ child with us; Wednesday evenings in Advent at 7:00pm, Sunday mornings at 10:00am, Sunday evening Dec. 20 Sunday School Program at 6:30pm, Christmas Eve at 6:30pm & Christmas morning at 9:00am.

Sunday, December 15, 2013

This Week @ St.John

•MON 12/16- 8:00am LYF Prayer&Donuts!
•TUES 12/17- 6:30am Men's Bible Study
•WED 12/18- 3:30pm Confirmation 
5:00pm 3-8 Sun Sch Christmas Practice
6:45pm Carol Sing
7:00pm Advent Midweek Worship
•SAT 12/21- 9:00-11:00am Sun Sch Christmas Practice (all grades)
•SUN 12/22- 8:45am Sunday School & Bible Study
10:00am Worship
6:30 Sunday School Christmas Service
•TUES 12/24- 6:30pm Christmas Eve Worship
•WED 12/25- 9:00am Christmas Worship with Communion

Sunday, December 08, 2013

This Week @ St.John

  • TUE 12/9- Pastors' Conference at St.John, Battle Creek
  • WED 12/10- 3:30pm Confirmation
    • 5:00pm 3-8th Grade Sunday School Christmas Program practice
    • 6:45pm Carol Singing
    • 7:00pm Advent Worship
  • SUN 12/15- 8:45am Sunday School & Bible Study
    • 10:00am Worship with Communion
  • MON 12/16- LYF Prayer and Donuts before school
  • SUN 12/22- 6:30pm Sunday School Christmas Program
  • TUE 12/24- 6:30pm Christmas Eve Worship Service
  • WED 12/25- 9:00am Christmas Worship with Communion

Sunday, December 01, 2013

Christmas Cookies!

Members of St.Johns LWML pose at the cashier table on Sunday, December 1 at their annual Cookie & Candy Bazaar.

LWML Cookies & Candy Bazaar

TODAY 11:00AM- 12:30PM
JUST $6/pound

Saturday, November 30, 2013

This Week @ St.John

  • MON 12/2- 
  • TUE 12/3- 8:00AM LYF Prayer & Donuts
  • WED 12/4- 3:30PM Confirmation
    • 6:45PM Carol Singing
    • 7:00PM Midweek Advent Service 
  • THR 12/5- LWML Christmas Party- Please bring your Red Boot with mites for missions and food products for the Open Cupboard instead of a gift exchange.
  • SAT 12/7- 2:00PM LYF Planning MTG, Ricketts
  • SUN 12/8- 8:45AM Sunday School & Bible Study
    • 10:00AM Worship 
    • 11:00AM Finance Board Mtg.
    • 4:00PM LYF Meeting
  • MON 12/9- 1:00PM Blood Drive at Charter Oak Public Library
POINSETTIAS- Time to order your poinsettia. A sign up sheet is on the table in the church lobby. $12.


  • Grades 1-8 December 11 & 18 at 5:00PM
  • All ages (PK-8) Dec. 21 9:00AM-11:00AM

MEMORIAL IDEAS- If you have any ideas/suggestions for uses of memorial gift money, please give them to Memorial Secretary Karleen Beeck, Pastor, or an Elder.

EVENTIDE DELEGATES NEEDED- Two volunteers are needed from St.John to help with birthday parties, Bingo & Communion at Eventide Lutheran Home in Denison. Please let Linda Kuhlmann know in the Church office if you would be interested.

Sunday, November 24, 2013

This Week @ St.John

  • TUES 11/26- 6:00 PM Western Iowa Mission Committee, Our Savior Lutheran, Denison
    • 7:00 PM Crawford County Right to Life, Our Savior Lutheran, Denison
  • WED 11/27- 9:00 AM Ladies Bible Study
    • 7:00 PM Thanksgiving Eve Service
  • THRS 11/28- Thanksgiving; Church Office Closed
  • SUN 12/1- 8:45 AM Sunday School & Bible Study
    • 10:00 AM Worship with Communion- Mite Box Sunday
    • 11:00 AM-12:30 PM LWML Cookie & Candy Bazaar

Midweek Advent Services

Advent services begin Wednesday December 4 at 7:00 PM. Carol singing at 6:45 PM. Join us as we prepare for the Savior's coming.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Give Thanks

Youth served members & the community at the annual LYF Thanksgiving Dinner Sunday, November 17, 2013 in St. John's Fellowship Hall.

This Week @ St.John

  • MON 11/18- 8:00 AM LYF PRAYER&DONUTS!
  • WED 11/20- 9:00 AM Ladie's Bible Study
    • 3:30 PM Confirmation
    • 8:00 PM Elder's Meeting
  • SUN 11/24- 8:45 AM Sunday School & Bible Study
    • 10:00 AM Worship
THANKSGIVING EVE SERVICE- Wednesday November 27 at 7:00 PM

CALLING ALL COOKIE LOVERS! LWML Holiday Cookie & Candy Bazaar Sunday, December 1, 11:00 AM- 12:30 PM- Please bring donation items in by noon Saturday Nov. 30. Treats will be just $6 per pound on Sunday. All proceeds go to LWML projects.

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Come & Get It!

See you tomorrow after Church (approx around 11:00 AM) for out LYF's annual Thanksgiving Dinner. Turkey, dressing, potatoes & deserts all for a free-will donation. 

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Stewardship; Managing God's gifts & Being who He created us to be

Psalm 148

Praise the Lord.
Praise the Lord from the heavens;
    praise him in the heights above.
Praise him, all his angels;
    praise him, all his heavenly hosts.
Praise him, sun and moon;
    praise him, all you shining stars.
Praise him, you highest heavens
    and you waters above the skies.
Let them praise the name of the Lord,
    for at his command they were created,
and he established them for ever and ever—
    he issued a decree that will never pass away.
Praise the Lord from the earth,
    you great sea creatures and all ocean depths,
lightning and hail, snow and clouds,
    stormy winds that do his bidding,
you mountains and all hills,
    fruit trees and all cedars,
10 wild animals and all cattle,
    small creatures and flying birds,
11 kings of the earth and all nations,
    you princes and all rulers on earth,
12 young men and women,
    old men and children.
13 Let them praise the name of the Lord,
    for his name alone is exalted;
    his splendor is above the earth and the heavens.
14 And he has raised up for his people a horn,[b]
    the praise of all his faithful servants,
    of Israel, the people close to his heart.
Praise the Lord.

This Week @ St.John

  • Mon-Sat Nov 11-17 Pastor hosts 'Thy Strong Word' 6:25 AM on KDSN 1530AM
  • Tues 11/12- 8;45AM Circuit Pastors Conference in Dow City
  • Wed 11/13- 9:0AM Ladies Bible Study
    • 3:30PM Confirmation
  • Sat 11/16-  9:00AM LYF decorate for Thanksgiving Dinner
  • Sun 11/17- 8:45AM Sunday School and Bible Study
    • 10:00AM Worship with Communion
    • 11:00AM LYF Thanksgiving Dinner
NOVEMBER COLLECTION FOR TEMPORARY AID PROGRAM (TAP) For TAP to meet the needs of people in Crawford County they depend on regular contributions of basic food items and children's clothing. They always need canned goods of all types.

Many necessities can't be purchased with food stamps (Supplemental Nutrition Aid Program SNAP); paper towels, toilet paper, diapers and personal care items like soap, shampoo and laundry detergent. So, donations of these kinds of donations are particularly welcome.

Cash donations are also very helpful as they enable TAP to buy in quantity and take advantage of sales. They buy ONLY food. If you'd like to give a monetary donation, please give it to Linda Kuhlmann, our church secretary, who will make sure that it goes to TAP at the end of the month.

St.John's donation location is the table underneath the bulletin boards in the front entrance, between the offices and the Fellowship Hall. TAP is located at 210 S. 25th Street. in Denison and is open Mon-Thr 9:00AM-Noon. Or call Connie McGee if you have questions at 263-3538.

If you have adult-sized clothing to donate, TAP asks that you take them to West Central Community Action at 145 N. 7th Street in Denison. PH: 712-263-3538. HOURS: M - F, 9:00 - 3:00

Sunday, October 27, 2013

This Week @ St.John

  • WED 10/30- 9:00am Ladies Bible Study
    • 3:30pm Confirmation
  • THR 10/31- Martin Luther posts 95 Theses on the door of the Castle Church in Wittenberg, German on this day in 1517 triggering the Reformation
  • SAT 11/2- Daylight Savings Time Ends ("Fall-Back")
  • SUN 11/3- 8:45am Sunday School & Bible Study
    • 10:00am Worship
LYF Rake-and-Run- Our Lutheran Youth Fellowship will be raking yards again this year on Sunday, November 10. Call the church office if you want your leaves raked. First come, first served.

CALLING ALL CO-U HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS- LYF has begun "Prayer and Donuts" on Mondays when school has a late start. Join us for donuts (maybe some cinnamon rolls) and start your week with prayer and God's Word. The next late start is Monday, November 4. Hope to see you there. Did we mention there'll be donuts?

HELP HOMELESS VETERANS- The Veterans' Auxiliary is collecting new and gently-used coats, blankets, winter clothing etc. for our homeless veterans and their families. There will be a tub in the lobby for your donations. Furniture is also being collect for an apartment building for the homeless. If you have you would like to donate you may call Ed Nemitz or the church. Thank you, lets help our veterans have a warm winter.

MEDICARE PART D- Need more information? A session is being planned in Schleswig October 29 to present the facts about Part D that may help in selection of a Medicare Drug Plan. The open enrollment period is October 15 through December 7. Representatives from the Senior Health Insurance Information Program (SHIIP) will present information that beneficiaries need to know. 

2013 LUTHERANS FOR LIFE NATIONAL CONFERENCE November 8-9 at Gloria Dei Lutheran Church in Urbandale, IA. The conference will focus on L.I.F.E.- Living In Faith Every day. Speakers will include LCMS President, Rev. Matthew Harrison. To register online, visit

HUBER HOUSE PHOTO NEGATIVES- The Charter Oak Historical Club has closed the Huber House Museum and needs to empty the building. Many photo negatives from the Jack Listamann Studio are in the museum. If you have family members who had their pictures taken by Listamann and would like the negatives, please speak to a member of the Historical Club before November 16th. Call Don & Nadien Friedrichs 678-3720, Hank & Colleen Ketelsen 678-3526, Nancy Rosburg 678-3454 or Myra Williams 678-3406

MEMORIAL IDEAS NEEDED- St.John needs ideas to suggest to families for memorials for the Memorial Fund. Previous memorials have included organ repair, Bibles, the flat screen TVs in the Fellowship Hall and altar paraments. If you know of a need or have an idea, please contact Memorial Fund Secretary Karleen Beeck, Pastor, or one of the Elders.

Happy Pastor Appreciation Month!

Sunday School children filled Pastor Merrill's office with balloons tied to hearts with notes telling him what they appreciate about him.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

To You Oh Lord I Lift Up My Soul

Sunday School students practice singing for next week's Reformation service.

This Week @ St. John

•TUES 10/22- 1:00pm Quilting
•WED 10/23- 9:00am Ladies Bible Study
•3:30pm Confirmation
•7:30pm Elder's Meeting
•SUN 10/27- 8:45am Sunday School & Bible Study
10:00am Worship

Sunday, October 13, 2013

This Week @ St. John

This Sunday the LWLM took a "noisy offering" in pie plates.

•TUES 10/15- 1:00pm Quilting
•WED 10/16- 9:00am Ladies' Bible Study 
3:00pm Confirmation 
7:30pm Voters' Meeting
•SAT 10/19- 6:00pm Worship with communion
•SUN 10/20- 8:45am Bible Study & Sunday School
10:00am Worship with communion
1:00pm Pastor at Denison Care Center
2:00 Pastor at Eventide
2-4:00pm Open House for Lola Siever's 95th birthday
6:00pm LYF

Equipping the Saints

#JrHiBibleStudy Bibles check, prayer journals check, lesson folios check,  CANDY check! 

Sunday, October 06, 2013

This Week @ St. John

  • TUES 10/8- Pastors' Conference, Midway
    • 1:00pm Quilting
  • WED 10/9- 9:00am Ladies' Bible Study
    • 3:30pm Confirmation
    • 7:30pm Church Council Meeting
  • THURS 10/10- 6:30pm Quilting
  • SUN 10/13- 8:45am Bible Study/Sunday School
    • 10:00am Worship- LWML Sunday; bring your loose change for a "noisy" offering collection for mission projects.
    • 11:00am Finance Board Meeting 
  • WED 10/16- 7:30pm Quarterly Voter's Meeting
2014 Church Offices Ballot
President: Kevin Pester | Ted Mallory
Vice President: Brady Goslar | Kevin Clausen
Council Secretary: Linda Nepper * | Becki Berens
Treasurer: Becky Dorale*
Finance Secretary: Otto & Jane Kunze*
Assistant Finance Secretary: Roger & Patty Kunze*
Board of Education: Bethany Mallory | STILL IN NEED OF FURTHER NOMINATIONS
Trustees: Dan Kuhlmann
Finance Board: Aaron Broderson, Brad Elwell, Rod Kunze, Bob Stoltze Jr.
Mission Secretary: Don Friedrichs* | Jason Kuhlmann
Stewardship Secretary: Byron Weiss* | Ralph Dorale
* Denotes Incumbent
Please Call Kevin Clausen, or let Linda know in the Church Office, if you'd be willing to run/serve or if you know someone you'd like to nominate. Thank you for your willingness to serve. You ARE the church, you ARE the Body of Christ.

Helping the Homeless; The Veterans Auxiliary is collecting new or gently used coats, blankets, winter clothing etc. for our homeless veterans and their families. There will be a tub in the lobby for donations. Furniture is also being collected for an apartment building for the homeless. If you have furniture you would like to donate, call Ed Nemitz or the church.

Lutheran Education; An opportunity to assist Lutheran education AND receive an Iowa state tax credit is now in its seventh year.The Iowa Lutheran School Tuition Organization (STO) assists families who meet certain income guidelines, and your contribution can help the STO help others. THis year over 700 students received $500,000 in tuition assistance to attend Lutheran elementary or secondary schools in Iowa. Visit the STO website at or call the Iowa District West STO program manager Dewey Torkelson at (712) 260-2991 for more information and to see how your contribution can help.

Fall Quilts

Come quilt with us! Thursday evening 6:30-8:30pm and Tuesdays 1:00-4:00pm. We have 44 completed already. Twenty will go to homeless veterans in Omaha.

Sunday, September 29, 2013

This Week @ St.John

  • Tues Oct 1- 6:30AM Men's Bible Study
    • 1:00pm LWML Quilting
  • Wed Oct 2- 9:00am Women's Bible Study
    • 3:30pm Confirmtion
    • 7:30 Church Council & Finance Board; Budget Meeting
  • Thurs Oct 3- 1:30pm LWML
    • 6:30pm Quilting
  • Sun Oct 6- 8:45am Sunday School/Bible Study
    • 10:00am Worship with Communion

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Operation Barnabas, Sun Sep 28

Food for the Poor

Rev. Bruce Rudolf presents information about the largest charitable ministry in the United States. Matthew 25:40 motivates Food for the Poor to help those suffering in poverty throughout Latin America and the Caribbean.

Pastor Rudolf shared stories about LCMS partnerships with Food for the Poor in Haiti and Guatemala. 

Good Morning!

This is the day that The Lord has made, let us rejoice & be glad in it!

This Week @ St. John

Sunday School students sign a giant Thank You card.
Thank You to all the volunteers who did so much work to remodel the basement into new Sunday School classrooms.

• Mon-Tues 9/23-24- Pastor at conference in Urbandale
• Wed 9/25- 9:00am Ladies Bible Study
3:00pm Confirmation
• Sat 9/28- 9:30am Barnabas conference in Carroll
• Sun 9/29- 8:45am Sun School & Bible Study
10:00am Worship

Saturday, September 14, 2013

This Week @ St.John

Pastor Merrill will be at Leadership Training in Fort Dodge Mon-Thur. If you need a pastor at these times, please call the church office at 678-3630 or call Nancy at 3454.
•Wed Sep 18- 3:00pm Confirmation
8:00pm Elders Meeting
•Sat Sep 21- 9:00am Stephen Ministry Workshop in Omaha
•Sun Sep 22- 8:45am Sunday School & Bible Study
10:00am Worship

LWML MISSION PROJECT QUILTS- we will be tying quilts on Tuesday afternoons in October. We are adding an additional evening session on Thursday, Oct 3 from 6:30-8:30pm. Pastor will lead a brief devotion and may also join us in tying. Come for a fun evening to see how many quilts we can tie, fellowship and snacks too.

Sunday, September 08, 2013

Volunteers Needed! Thurs 9/12

Sunday School/Basement Clean-Up Day
9:00am Wednesday September 12
If you can make it, please help us clean -up & move furniture into the newly completed Sunday School rooms!
Come see how they turned out & help put it all back together.
Fellowship & Service Together.

Rally Sunday

Sunday School children sing 'Go Tell it on the Mountain.'
Six first graders were presented with Bibles and six fifth graders received Luther's Small Catechism in church today. Adult teachers & volunteers were installed as Sunday School & Confirmation leaders as well. Please pray that God will bless this school year and open hearts, minds, and lives to His love and guidance.

This Week @ St.John

Mon-Sat, Sept 9-16, 6:25am- Pastor Merrill hosts 'Thy Strong Word' on KDSN
Wed Sept 11- 3:30pm Confirmation
Sat Sept 14- 7:00pm Worship with Communion
•Sun Sept 15- 8:45am Sunday School/Bible Study
10:00am Worship with Communion
4:00pm LYF

ADULT INSTRUCTION: If there is enough interest, Pastor will begin another adult information class in late September or early October. This class is for anyone interested in learning the basic teachings of the Lutheran Church, as well as members interested in a review. If you are interested or know someone who might be, please let Pastor know. Thank you.

Sunday, September 01, 2013

This Week @ St. John

  • MON AUG 2- Labor Day  Church Office Closed
  • TUES AUG 3- 6:30AM Men's Bible Study
  • WED AUG 4- 3:30PM Confirmation Resumes
  • THUR AUG 5- 1:30PM LWML
    • Sunday School Resumes 8:45AM (Tentative; Pending remodelling/painting)
    • Adult Bible Study 8:45AM
    • 10:00AM Worship; Installation of Sunday School & Confirmation Staff
    • 11:00AM Finance Board Meeting
THANK YOU- to Brian Pautsch, Bob Kroll, Nolan, Allan, & Melvin Neddermeyer, Byron Weiss, Steve & Lee Kuhlmann, Adam & Alex Dorale, and Jason & Matt Stoltze for helping unload over 10,000 pounds of basement flooring for the Church basement.

REMEMBER THE LWML IS COLLECTING computer ink cartridges, cell phones and postage stamps. Look for boxes in the Church office.

PLEASE LET THE OFFICE KNOW YOUR CELL NUMBER if you're one of the scores of people who've given up having a "land-line." Remember Youth returning to college or military service, please leave your contact information, phone, mailing address, & email address with the church office. Thank You.

WANTED; PART TIME 3rd/4th GRADE SUNDAY SCHOOL TEACHER & another Memory Work listener. Please call Peggy Sue Henschen. Thank You.

OFFICE HOURS- 8:00AM-NOON until further notice. Pastor's hours will remain unchanged. If Pastor is not in his office, please call Nancy Rosburg at 3454.

SUN. SEPT. 22, REV. BRUCE RUDOLF (LCMS RETIRED) Will preach during worship, and present a video during Adult Bible Class about his work with Food For The Poor, the largest international charity operating in the U.S. which focuses its ministries on the 17 poorest nations in Latin America and the Caribbean.

SAT. SEPT. 21, STEPHEN MINISTRY WORKSHOP- A Stephen Ministry Workshop will be held from 9:00AM-1:00PM at Divine Shepherd Lutheran Church, 15005 Q Street in Omaha. The cost is $15 per person or $50 for a group of four or more from the congregation. Pastors want to provide care to everyone who needs it, but they can't do it alone. Stephen Ministry seeks to equip lay people to minister to hurting people. Christ at work in and through gifted, trained lay caregivers- that's the Stephen Ministry vision. To learn more or for a registration form, please see Pastor Merrill.

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Church in the Park 2013

This Week @ St.John

  • WED Aug 28- 7:00pm Confirmation Orientation, ALL parents and Confirmation students grades 5-8 are asked to attend this meeting.
  • THUR Aug 29- 9:00am VOLUNTEERS NEEDED to help load a trailer at Orphan Grain Train in Ida Grove.
  • FRI Aug 30- Weinbrandt/Adams Wedding Rehearsal
  • SAT Aug 31- 4:00pm Doug Weinbrandt/Sarah Adams Wedding
    • 8:45am Adult Bible Study
    • 10:00am Worship with Communion
    • (Children's Sunday School will resume Sun. Sept. 8, due to continuing construction in the basement)
OFFICE HOURS- will remain 8:00am-Noon while Linda recovers from surgery. Pastor's hours will remain the same.If you need Pastor and no one is at the church office, please call and leave a message at church or call Nancy Rosburg at 678-3454.

SUNDAY SCHOOL- NEEDED, part-time 3rd/4th Grade teacher, memory work listener/helper. Please call Sun Sch. Superintendent Peggy Sue Henschen if you can help. Thank You.

Sunday, August 18, 2013

This Week @ St.John

  • WED AUG 21- 6:00pm Elder's Meeting at parsonage
  • THR AUG 22- First Day of School at Charter Oak-Ute K-12
  • SUN AUG 25- 8:30am Worship in the Sanctuary
    • 10:00am Worship at Charter Oak City Park, picnic to follow

Sunday, August 11, 2013

This Week @ St.John

  • FRI AUG 16- Pastor returns from vacation
  • SAT AUG 17- 6:00pm Worship with Communion
  • SUN AUG 18- 9:00am Worship with Communion
    • 1:00pm Pastor preaches at Denison Care Center
    • 2:00pm Pastor preaches at Eventide Lutheran Home

Saturday, August 03, 2013

This Week @ St.John

•Pastor Merrill on Vacation Aug 5-16th
If you need a pastor, please call the office at 678-3630 or call Linda at 678-3491
•TUE 8/6- no Men's Bible Study
•SUN 8/11- 9:00am worship (Rev.Schauer, former pastor at St. Paul, Ida Grove
10:00am coffee & fellowship with missionary America Kunkel from Macau
10:00am Finance Board Mtg.

Sunday, July 28, 2013

This Week @St.John

•Mon-Wed- 5:30pm VBS
•Thur Aug 1- 1:30pm LWML mtg.
•8:00pm VBS Closing Program
•Sat Aug 3- 11:00am Auction
•Sun Aug 4- No Adult Bible Class in August
•9:00am Worship with Communion (Mite Box Sunday)
•10:00am Adult Confirmation Instruction

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Cambodia Missions

Monday night, July 22, Dr. Fungchatou Lo presented information at St. John about the many ministries he oversees in Southeast Asia from LCMS headquarters in Phnom Penh, capital city of Cambodia.
Dr. Lo is Laoation, attended the University of Wisconsin. While he speaks 6 languages, he is just learning Khmer, the main language in Cambodia. Jesse (below) a Cambodian involved in mission work with Dr. Lo sometimes translates for him. Jesse explained about the ministries to neighboring countries; Thsiland, Laos, and Vietnam.
Dr. Lo & his wife Kalia coordinate LCMS mission ministries in Cambodia. Kalia directs Human Care ministries including well digging, distribution of water filters, clothing, health education, elementary school programs and home & church building projects.

Dr. Lo directs Gospel Outreach programs  including seminary and theological training for church leaders from all four nations at the Lutheran Institute for Southeast Asia (LISA). Lo also coordinates training for othe church leaders and volunteers, Sunday School teachers, youth and other programs. In recent years the Los founded Grace International School in Phon Penh when a survey revealed that other schools operated by othe Christian groups did not include religious instruction.

Please support LCMS activities in Southeast Asia with your prayers. 

To find out how you can support them financially by contacting: 

Mission Central in Mapleton. 40718 Hwy E16, Mapleton, IA 51034 

or send your gift (marked for Dr. Lo) to:
LCMS 1333 S. Kiekwood Road, St. Louis, MO 63122

Sunday, July 21, 2013

This Week @ St.John

•Mon 7/22- 7:00pm Missionary Dr. Lo at St. John
Wed 7/23- 8:00pm Elders Meeting
Sun 7/28- 8:00am Adult Bible Class
-9:00am Worship
-No adult confirmation instruction this week
-5:30pm VBS Snack Time
-6:00-8:30pm VBS
Sat Aug 3- 11:00am Church Auction

Church Auction Aug. 3, 11:00AM

Cubs Week 2013

Pastor poses with the "Artichoke (Charter Oak) Girls" at Camp Okiboji last week.

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Pray For Us At Cub Week!

This year six children from St.John are joining Pastor Merrill at Camp Okoboji.
Keep them in your prayers as they learn and grow in their faith & relationships with God and others by the lake!

This Week @ St.John

Pastor at Cubs Week at Camp Okoboji this week.
Sat July 20- 6:00pm Worship with Communion
Sun July 21- 8:00am Adult Bible Class
9:00am Worship with Communion
10:00am Adult Instruction Class

Sunday, July 07, 2013

How You Can Help VBS,
Go Tell It On the Mountain

Tell It on the Mountain VBS will take us on an expedition to the top of five mountains and teach you more about God’s might and grace and His Son, Jesus our Savior and Lord. Registration is open for ages preK – grade 6 who will attend VBS from July 28 to August 1, 6-8:30 PM with stacks at 5:30. Get excited to sing fun songs, do crazy crafts, eat yummy snacks, and more. Plus, you’ll learn all about Jesus so that you can go TELL everyone about Him! Can’t wait to see you there! To register call the church office at 678-3312 or Bethany Mallory at 678-3397.

We will be serving snacks each evening at VBS.  Could you help us by providing bars or cookies one or two evenings? Contact the church office or call Bethany at 678-3397.  We also need help decorating.  We have a camping/hiking adventure so we need LOTS of backpacks and assorted hiking and camping gear like ropes, hard hats, carabiners, and boots.   For the actual set we need artificial evergreen trees, tents and ladders.  More specifically for games we need 4 pair of large pants, 4 pair of overshoe/boots, and 4 hardhats.  All of these items should have a tag or some tape attached with your name so we can get it back to you.  Items need to be at church by July 26.  Thank you!

We appreciate your prayers for Tell It on the Mountain, our Vacation Bible School being held on July 28 – August 1. Ask God to bring children to our program so they can know and grow in Jesus, our Savior! Ask God to provide leaders and helpers for this important mission.

Dr. Lo Presentation at St. John July 22

Mark your calendars for a special evening- on Monday, July 22 at 7:00pm in the fellowship hall, St. John will host Dr. Fungchatou Lo, LCMS missionary to Cambodia, who will tell us the exciting things the Lord is doing int Southeast Asia. Dr. Lo's latest newsletter is posted on the bulletin board in the church lobby. He was last here in June of 2011. St. John congregation has supported Dr. Lo since he was called to the mission field in Indonesia in 2008, and we are glad for this opportunity to have him here again. Refreshments will be served after the presentation. Bring your friends and neighbors and join in welcoming Dr. Lo on the evening of the 22nd.

This Week @ St.John

  • Charter Oak Achievement Days, Sun July 6-Wed July 11
  • Mon-Sat. July 7-14- 6:25AM Pastor Merrill hosts 'Thy Strong Word' (for Triple Parish) on KDSN 107.1FM/1530AM, FYI-We need funding to help pay KDSN for this program. If you would like to make a donation toward 'Thy Strong Word,' please let either the office or KDSN know. Thank You.
  • Tues July 9- 6:30AM Men's Bible Study
  • Thurs July 10- 1:30PM LWML Meeting
    • 7:30PM Quarterly Voter's Meeting
  • Sun July 14- 8:00AM Adult Bible Class
    • 9:00AM Worship
    • 10:00AM Adult Instruction
    • Pastor leaves for Cubs' Week at Okoboji after Church
  • We are looking for a part-time 3rd & 4th Grade Teacher
  • We are looking for a Memory Work Helper/Listener
Please Call Sun. Sch. Supt. Peggy Sue Henschen or the Church office if you can help. Thank You

Sunday, June 30, 2013

This Week @ St.John

Tues July 2- 7:30pm Church Council Mtg.
Thurs July 4- Office Closed HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY!
Sat July 6- LYF & Pastor return from Nat. Gathering in San Antonio
Sun July 7- 8:00am Adult Bible Study, 9:00am Worship (Mite Box Sunday), 10:00am Adult Instruction Class
July 8-10- Charter Oak Achievement Days
Thurs July 11- Quarterly Voters Meeting

Sunday, June 23, 2013

This Week @ St.John

  • Saturday, June 29- Pastor leaves for LYF Gathering in San Antonio, TX
  • Sunday, June 30- No Adult Bible Study
    • 9:00AM Worship

Friday, June 14, 2013

Charter Oak Historical Club

Due to the lack of interest and funds, the Charter Oak Historical Club will be removing all items on loan at the Huber House Museum.

Items must be removed by 4:00 p.m. on July 31, 2013.

All remaining items will become the property of the Charter Oak Historical Club to be used at their discretion.

Call one of the following numbers to arrange a pickup time:
Don & Nadine Friedrichs    678-3720
Henry & Colleen Ketelsen    678-3526
Nancy Rosburg    678-3454
Myra Williams    678-3406

Please bring your yellow receipt copy if possible.


Interested in having
Charter Oak “City Wide”
Garage Sales
on Friday, June 28th
& Saturday, June 29th????
(You set your own hours.)
Contact Nancy Rosburg 678-3454
Colleen Ketelsen 678-3526
By June 19th
With item info and location
Costs for advertising in
and printing local flyers for
that weekend would be shared -
probably $5 - $10 est. depending on
the number of people participating.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

This Week @ St.John

  • Fri 6/14- 6:00pm Wedding Rehersal
  • Sat 6/15- 4:00pm Molly Goslar & Nathan Jensen wedding
    • 6:00pm Summer Sat. Eve. Worship with Communion
  • Sun 6/16- 8:00am Adult Bible Class
    • 9:00am Worship with Communion
    • 10:00am Adult Instruction class

Friday, June 07, 2013

Nominees for LCMS president address ministry, issues | LCMS News & Articles

Nominees for LCMS president address ministry, issues | LCMS News & Articles

Important for voting members; get to know the candidates!
Lutheran Witness features interviews with those running for President of Missouri Synod.

Tuesday, June 04, 2013

This Week @ St.John

  • TUE JUN 4- 6:30AM Mens Bible Study
  • THUR JUN 6- 1:30PM LWML
  • SUN JUN 9-  8:00AM Adult Bible Class
    • 9:00AM Worship with Communion
    • 10:00AM Adult Instructions Class
    • 10:00 Weiss 50th Anniversary Open House
Cub Week Booklets are available for those in grades 3-6, so if you are interested in attending, please contact Pastor or the Church Office.

Home Visits- Pastor is continuing to schedule home visits with the goal of visiting each household in the congregation in two years.

Sunday, May 26, 2013

This Week @ St.John

•Wed May 29- 9:00am Ladies Bible Study
•Sun May 19- 8:00am Adult Bible Study 
9:00am Worship with Communion
7:00pm Adult Instruction

Friday, May 24, 2013

Tornado Relief

Thrivent Financial for Lutherans logoFacebook logo Twitter logo
Dear Member,
Like many others, you may want to reach out and help in the wake of the recent tornadoes in Oklahoma.

Giving back has been and continues to be important for Thrivent Financial for Lutherans and its members. Our mission at Thrivent Financial is to strengthen Christian communities by helping members be wise with money and inspiring them to live generously. We are a membership organization with members who want to reach out to help those in need when tragedy strikes.

Help make a difference through Thrivent Choice®. 
You can direct Thrivent Choice Dollars® to recommend that Thrivent Financial distribute charitable grant funds to one or more of the following organizations participating in the relief efforts:
Lutheran Disaster Response
LCMS Disaster Response
WELS Christian Aid and Relief

To direct Choice Dollars:

  • Visit
  • Click on red "Get Started" button (log in required)
  • Search the catalog for the Organization
  • Click on “Direct Now”
Consider getting involved in grassroots disaster relief efforts through your local Thrivent Chapter
Many Thrivent chapters are planning fund-raising activities to help with disaster relief efforts. Consider getting involved in the grassroots efforts in your local community. To locate your chapter, use the Locate a Chapter option on

For more information on Thrivent Financial’s response to the Oklahoma tornadoes, see If you have any questions, please contact a representative from the Member Connection Center at 800-THRIVENT (800-847-4836) and say “Disaster Response” at the prompt or email

Directing Choice Dollars® is subject to the Terms and Conditions of the Thrivent Choice program.
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