- Tues Dec.4- 6:30 AM Men's Bible Study
- Wed Dec.5- 3:30 PM Confirmation
- 6:45 PM Carol Singing
- 7:00 PM Advent Service
- Thurs Dec.6- 1:30 PM LWML Christmas Party
- Sun Dec.9- 8:45 Sunday School & Bible Class
- 10:00 AM Worship- & Dedication of Fellowship Hall
- Noon- Dinner
- 2:00-4:00 PM Open House
- 7:00 PM Truth Project Bible Study
POINSETTIAS- Order a poinsettia to decorate the altar, and then your home for Christmas! Poinsettias are $12, just call the church office.
CELL/SMART PHONE NUMBERS NEEDED- Since so many people are giving up their land-lines, please share your mobile number with the church office. Thank you, we appreciate your help.
VOLUNTEERS NEEDED- to help with projects for the new church addition in order to be ready for the dedication on December 9. Please call Bob Kroll (678-3407) or Don Friedrichs (678-3720) if you are able to help. Working times will vary and volunteers will be called and scheduled when needed. Examples: moving archive wall, pianos and cooler, installing ceiling tiles, assembling pantry shelving, and dusting kitchen cupboards. All help is appreciated.
LYF Rake-and-Run Sunday, December 4
Call the church office if you need your leaves raked. They'll rake as many lawns as they can, so first come-first-served.
LYF Collecting Winter Coats-
Especially for children; also sweaters &; sweatshirts. See the collection box in the church entryway.
December 9th- New Fellowship Hall Dedication
- 8:45am- Tour of the remodeled Sunday School rooms in the basement
- 10:00am- Worship, Preacher LCMS Iowa District-West President Rev. Paul Sieveking
Sunday School kids sing at this service
- Immediately following- the setting of the cornerstone and ribbon cutting
- Noon- there will be a free-will offering dinner catered by Staley's Food Service with a short program
- 2:00pm-4:00pm Open House will continue with refreshments