Sunday, November 04, 2012

This Week @ St.John

This year, 135 quilts were completed for needy families this Winter. The quilts have been displayed over the pews in the sanctuary and were dedicated during the service today (Sun. Nov. 4). 
Tiers included Shirley Hopp, Lois Butler, Marilyn Pirwitz, Jackie Kohnekamp, Jane Kunze, Iva Lee Kuhlman, Ruth Bruggeman, Leanna Hopp, Elaine Stoltze, Letha Goslar, Jeanne Kuhlman, Annie Kroll & Bernice Simpson. The
  • TUES 11/6- Election Day
    • 6:30AM Men's Bible Study
  • WED 11/7- 9:00am Ladies Bible Study
    • 1:30pm Confirmation
    • SAT 11/10- Martin Luther's Birthday, 1483
    • 9:00am LYF decorate for Thanksgiving Dinner
  • SUN 11/11- Veterans' Day
    • 8:45am Sunday School/Bible Study
    • 10:00am Worship- with recognition of Veterans
    • 11:00am Finance Board Meeting
    • 11:00am Annual LYF Thanksgiving Dinner
    • 1:00pm Pastor preaching at Denison Care Center
    • 2:00pm Pastor preaching at Evencare Lutheran Home
    • 7:00pm 'Truth Project' Bible Study at parsonage
VETERANS' DAY, Sunday, November 11-
This year, St. Johns will be recognizing the service of our veterans who served during the Korean Conflict. Those who serves and surviving spouses of those who served will be presented with a special certificate of appreciation. Currently, this will include; Don Friedrichs, Don McCall, Harvey Meeves, Edwin Nemitz, Dan Throckmorton, JoAnn Creese (LaVerne), Lois Goslar (Edward), Dorothy Gries (Don), Jackie Kohnekamp (Walter Boland), Barb Magill (Virgil), and Marilyn Pirwitz (Darlo). If we have missed anyone, please let the church office know.

LYF THANKSGIVING DINNER- Sunday, November 11, 11:00am-12:30pm
Turkey, Potatoes & Gravy, Dressing, Corn, Cranberry Sauce, Desserts, Tolls, & Drinks
Free Will Offering. Proceeds raise funds for LYF projects including 2013 National Lutheran Youth Gathering in San Antonio

Food Donation Collection for the Temporary Aid Program (TAP) in November- This year the Sunday School Children are challenging the grown-ups of the congregation to match their donations.Watch the collection table in the sanctuary all month to see who'll win!

Temporary Aid Program (T.A.P.)
210 S. 25th Street
Denison, IA 51442
Contact Person: Donna Weiss
Hours of operation: Mon. & Th. 9-12

VOLUNTEERS STILL NEEDED- to help with projects for the new church addition in order to be ready for the dedication on December 9. Please call Bob Kroll (678-3407) or Don Friedrichs (678-3720) if you are able to help. Working times will vary and volunteers will be called and scheduled when needed. Examples: moving archive wall, pianos and cooler, installing ceiling tiles, assembling pantry shelving, and dusting kitchen cupboards. All help is appreciated.

LWML Cookie & Candy Bazaar Sunday, December 2
11:00am-1:00pm Come fill your box with lots of goodies!

December 9- Dedication of the new Fellowship Hall
Iowa District West President Sieveking will preach the sermon during worship. The setting of the cornerstone and ribbon cutting will follow the service. Dinner will be served at Noon by Staley's Food Service for a free-will-donation. Open House 2:00-4:00pm.

Open Cupboard food pantry benefits from the unique relationship between our local food bank in Sioux City and the support of community churches, businesses, and leaders of Monona and Woodbury Counties. We secure food from local churches, retailers, farmers, individual donors, and the Food Bank from Siouxland Inc. We hope that all ten towns will organize food drives to keep Open Cupboard food pantry filled and operational throughout the year. For every $1 donated to the Open Cupboard food pantry we are able to acquire 13 pounds worth of food – a remarkable return on your investment in our community.

Your donation will help our efforts, whether it is food, time or money.

Call Joann Nielson at 712-880-6171 or visit us at 209 N 6th Street, Mapleton, IA 51034 or email:

We need 30 tables and 240 chairs for the new fellowship hall, this will cost about $8,700. We are already half way there. If you'd like to donate toward this project, please sign up in the church office. Tables cost $90 and chairs are $25. Thank you.

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