- WED 11/21- No Confirmation or Bible Study
- 7:00pm Thanksgiving Eve Worship
- 8:00pm Elders' Meeting
- THUR 11/22- Thanksgiving Day
- Office Closed
- Pastor gone Nov. 22nd-26th
- SUN 11/25- Last Sunday of the Church Year
- 8:45am Sunday School/Bible Study
- 10:00am Worship- with recognition of Veterans
- No 'Truth Project' Bible Study this week
Food Donation Collection for the Temporary Aid Program (TAP) in November- This year the Sunday School Children are challenging the grown-ups of the congregation to match their donations.Watch the collection table in the sanctuary all month to see who'll win!
Temporary Aid Program (T.A.P.)
210 S. 25th Street
Denison, IA 51442
Contact Person: Donna Weiss
Hours of operation: Mon. & Th. 9-12
VOLUNTEERS NEEDED- to help with projects for the new church addition in order to be ready for the dedication on December 9. Please call Bob Kroll (678-3407) or Don Friedrichs (678-3720) if you are able to help. Working times will vary and volunteers will be called and scheduled when needed. Examples: moving archive wall, pianos and cooler, installing ceiling tiles, assembling pantry shelving, and dusting kitchen cupboards. All help is appreciated.
LWML Cookie & Candy Bazaar Sunday, December 2
11:00am-1:00pm Come fill your box with lots of goodies!
Please Bring Your Items in by noon on Sat. Dec. 1st. Your donations will be greatly appreciated. Cookies will be sold for just $6 per pound. All proceeds will go toward furnishing the kitchen in the new addition.
LYF Rake-and-Run Sunday, December 4
Call the church office if you need your leaves raked. They'll rake as many lawns as they can, so first come-first-served.
LYF Collecting Winter Coats-
Especially for children; also sweaters & sweatshirts. See the collection box in the church entryway.
The new Fellowship Hall will be dedicated in a special church service.
- 8:45am- Tour of the remodeled Sunday School rooms in the basement
- 10:00am- Worship, Preacher LCMS Iowa District-West President Rev. Paul Sieveking
- Immediately followed by the setting of the cornerstone and ribbon cutting
- Noon- there will be a free-will offering dinner catered by Staley's Food Service with a short program
- 2:00pm-4:00pm Open House will continue with refreshments
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