- TUE APR 3- 6:30am Men's Bible Study
- WED APR 4- 9:00am Ladies Lenten Retreat
- 3:30pm Confirmation
- 6:30pm LYF Sunrise Service practice
- 7:00pm Contemporary Choir practice
- THR APR 5- 1:30pm LWML
- 7:00pm Maundy Thursday Worship with Communion
- FRI APR 6- 7:00pm Good Friday Tenebrae Service
- SAT APR 7- 9:00am LYF Set up for Easter Breakfast
- SUN APR 8- 6:30am Easter Sunrise Worship (Communion)
- 7:30am LYF Easter Breakfast
- 8:45am Sunday School (No Adult Bible Study)
- 10:00am Worship with Communion
TIME TO ORDER LILIES- be sure to sign up in the Church office. The cost is $6.50
BLOOD DRIVE- Charter Oak Community Blood Drive April 9, 11:00am-1:00pm at Charter Oak Library. Make an appointment by calling 800-287-4903 or visit www.lifeservebloodcenter.org
LWML SPRING RALLY- Thurs, April 19th at 9:00am at Immanuel Lutheran, Charter Oak Township (Rickets Triple Parish).
SCHOLARSHIPS- The Lutheran Church Extension Fund is offering $1,000 scholarships to graduating seniors or current college students in the districts in Iowa, MN, ND or North WI. For complete rules and application, visit www.lcefuppermidwest.org/publications. Deadline is May 1, 2012
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