Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Easter Greetings from Nigeria

card Easter

Dear friends in Christ...
 Easter time is the most important date on the calendar for us the Friedrichs family and we're sure for all true Christians around the world. We give thanks to Jesus for paying the ultimate price by dying on the cross. It is through His death and resurrection that we are saved and have hope of a life everlasting. Thank you Jesus!
 IRomans 1:4-5 we read; And Jesus Christ our Lord was shown to be the Son of God when God powerfully raised him from the dead by means of the Holy Spirit. Through Christ, God has given us the privilege and authority to tell Gentiles everywhere what he has done for them, so that they will believe and obey him, bringing glory to his name.
Ministry - Eugenie
 I attended a 1 week CHE, TOT (teachers of Teachers) training session in March which has now equipped me with the necessary information and skills to be part of a training team that will help the village of Foron begin the Community Health Evangelismprogram. After the CHE vision seminar which we held in February the village decided that they wanted to use the program to help lift them out of poverty and other identified need areas. The most significant problem we discovered after our survey was that it has an extremely high infant mortality rate and mothers that die due to birthing problems.
 Please pray for me and the other members of the CHE training team as we now set about breaking a cycle of poverty and death.  I also ask that you pray especially for us on April 12th as we do a prayer walk around the village - there are certain areas in the village that need to be cleaned with prayer that are used for witch craft and dark rituals. 

To Support our Ministry  
in NIGERIA please go,
www.globalLutheranOutreach.com/Friedrichs and click on the
 "GIVE" button, or e-mail a check to  
Global Lutheran Outreach
6709 Ficus Drive, Miramar FL 33023
and put "Friedrichs" on the memo line of the check.

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