- Wed. 9/14- 9:00am Ladies Bible Study- All women in the congregation who can make it are invited. We'll be studying the book of Acts.
- 1:30pm Confirmation
- Thr. 9/15- 9:00am LWML Fall Zone Rally, Battle Creek
- Sat. 9/17- 8:00am Men's Ministry Breakfast, Mapleton
- Sun. 9/18- 8:45am Sunday School & Bible Classes
- 10:00am Worship with Communion, Building Pledge Sunday
- 2:00pm LYF Meeting
- 7:00pm Adult Instruction Class
ATTENTION LYF- Youth Gathering in LaVista, NE is November 18-20th. Registration forms are due October 1st. Anyone interested please contact Letha Goslar or Kim Plough.
COLLEGE-AGE YOUTH- Before you go off to school, get stationed in the military, or move somewhere for work, please leave your new address in the church office. If you'll be far away, stop in, we'll be glad to help you find churches in your new community.
PLEDGE SUNDAY- The old Lutheran school and Sunday School house have been removed to prepare the way for construction of the new Fellowship Hall. The hope is to begin work this Fall. We will begin gathering pledges on Sunday, September 18, 2011. If you haven't already, please return your specially marked envelope with the pledge form completed to the church office or place it in the specially marked basket on Pledge Sunday. You can pledge any amount and designate how much time you'll need to meet your pledge. Thank you to all those members who have already responded with your pledges and donations.
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