This week at St. John
- WED. Aug.31- Confirmation 1:30pm
- THURS Sept.1- LWML Meeting 1:30pm
- SAT 9/3-District LWML Retreat 9:00am at Mission Central, Mapleton
- SUN 9/4- 8:45am Adult Bible Class
- 10:00am Worship with Communion, Mite Box Sunday
- Notice that Service times will be changing for the Fall on Sunday Sept. 4.
Sunday School and High School Bible Classes will resume September 11.
- RALLY SUNDAY- Sept. 11 will be "Rally" Sunday, Bibles will be presented to First graders and Luther's Small Catechisms will be presented to Fifth graders. Sunday School teachers, helpers, Confirmation teachers and Board of Education members will be installed for the new school year.
- ADULT INSTRUCTION CLASS- If you are interested in learning more about the Lutheran Church~Missouri Synod or would like to become a member of St. John, please contact Pastor Merrill. He will begin Adult Instruction Classes September 11, at 7:00pm
- MEN'S MINISTRY EVENT- "Riding the Storm Out," Sept. 17 at St. Matthew Lutheran, Mapleton. Registration & breakfast 8:00-8:45am. The event will include Bible study, a variety of service projects, tours of Mission Central and lunch. Cost $10, please call Jim Davis at (515)576-7666
- JUNIOR HIGH DISTRICT GATHERING Oct. 29-30- "Sacred:Protected by God" at the West Des Moines Sheraton. Rev. Luke Timm speaker, music by Swen & Dean. Registration is due September 23. Please let Pastor Merrill know if you can serve as a parent/counselor.
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