Sunday, August 07, 2011

This Week at St. John

  • Mon Aug 8- Sat Aug 19- Pastor Merrill on vacation, call Linda in the office (712) 678-3630 (or call Linda at home at 267-3250 if you have any pastoral needs, she can refer you to an elder or another pastor in the circuit.district. 
  • Thurs Aug 11- Congratulations Pastor Merrill on 20 years in the ministry! 
  • Sun Aug 14- 9:00 AM Worship, guest preacher Rev. Bob Riggert from IDW 
    • 10:00 AM Finance Board Meeting
Praise, Prayer, & Progress; Old Buildings to be Razed- The Kragel (Sunday School) House and the Education Building are slated to be demolished this month. If there is anything in the Kragel house which you would like to bid on, or if you would like a chance to have a look, please contact Bob Kroll at (712) 678-3407; 

Orphan Grain Train- Volunteers needed for loading a container on Tues Aug. 16 at 9:00 AM at the Orphan grain Train Warehouse in Ida Grove.

Annual Timber Ridge Service- Our neighbors of the Lutheran Triple Parish (St. Luke's Ricketts, Immanuel, Soldier Township and St. Paul, Hanover Township) will hold their annual outdoor worship on Sunday, August 21 at 10:00 AM at Timber Ridge, West of Castana. Come enjoy some fellowship in the beauty of the Loess Hills and get to meet the new pastor, Timothy Frank.

The Triple Parish LYF is gathering donations and collections for the Edginton family which lost their home to a fire. Items being collected include: canned or boxed food, personal hygiene items such as soap, shampoo, conditioner, toothpaste, etc., laundry detergent, blankets, clothing size S-M juniors shirts, size 7 jeans or shorts, size M men's shirts, size 33 men's jeans, size XL ladies shirts, and size 36 men's jeans. Donations can be dropped off at any of the three churches or by contacting Lorne or Brenda Christiansen to pick them up.

CONFIRMATION ORIENTATION NIGHT- Wed. Aug. 24th at 7:00PM. This meeting is for ALL students in 5th, 6th, 7th, & 8th grades AND their parents. It is important for everyone to be there.Class books will be distributed and class information will be discussed.

COLLECTING SCHOOL SUPPLIES- for children in the CO-U schools. Supplies needed include: Kleenex, scissors, Elmer's glue, #2 pencils, erasers, notebooks, markers, colored pencils, rulers, calculator, highlighters, disinfectant wipes, and black dry-erase markers.

REMINDER- Anything that you would send to either Linda or Pastor for the weekly bulletin or the monthly newsletter that you'd also like to have posted here (like pictures, notices, thank yous, or announcements), be sure to email a copy to "Netzmeister" Ted Mallory- Thank you. Help make this Website to be the best that it can for both the congregation and our community!

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