- Sun July 31- Thurs August 4- 6:00-8:30PM Vacation Bible School (Bars/snacks at 5:30PM)
- Tue Aug. 2- 6:30AM Men's Bible Study
- Thurs Aug.3 - 1:30PM LWML Mtg.
- 7:30PM VBS Closing Program
- Sun Aug. 7- 9:00AM Worship with Communion
- John Thomas will be speaking briefly after the service about his mission work in India.
- 7:00PM LYF Meeting- all members & parents are asked to attend
THANK YOU- to all who gave of their time working so hard in the basement and helping in the office this week. We appreciate it- God bless you!
CONFIRMATION ORIENTATION NIGHT- Wed. Aug. 24th at 7:00PM. This meeting is for ALL students in 5th, 6th, 7th, & 8th grades AND their parents. It is important for everyone to be there. Class books will be distributed and class information will be discussed.
COLLECTING SCHOOL SUPPLIES- for children in the CO-U schools. Supplies needed include: Kleenex, scissors, Elmer's glue, #2 pencils, erasers, notebooks, markers, colored pencils, rulers, calculatore, highlighters, disinfectant wipes, and black dry-erase markers.
REMINDER- Anything that you would send to either Linda or Pastor for the weekly bulletin or the monthly newsletter that you'd also like to have posted here (like pictures, notices, thank yous, or announcements), be sure to email a copy to "Netzmeister" Ted Mallory- Thank you.
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