Sunday, July 31, 2011

St. Paul, Ute & St. John, Charter Oak;
VBS Night One

Tonight, children learned about how God takes care of us through His son, Jesus.

Adventurers learned about the story of how God took care of baby Moses by rescuing him from the Nile river AND Pharaoh (Exodus 2:1-10).

Our memory verse was 1 Peter 5:7, "Cast all your anxiety on him (Jesus) because he cares for you."

 VBS Director Bethany Mallory welcomes kids to the first opening service in the church sanctuary. Crafts, Bible Challenge, and Adventure Stories were held in the new Sunday School classrooms in the nice, cool basement. Pastor played games with kids outside on the East lawn.
 LYF , Music leaders Amy Kuhlmann, Shelby Goslar, and Karly Kunze help the kids to rock the jungle!

This Week at St. John

  • Sun July 31- Thurs August 4- 6:00-8:30PM Vacation Bible School (Bars/snacks at 5:30PM)
  • Tue Aug. 2- 6:30AM Men's Bible Study
  • Thurs Aug.3 - 1:30PM LWML Mtg.
    • 7:30PM VBS Closing Program
  • Sun Aug. 7- 9:00AM Worship with Communion
    • John Thomas will be speaking briefly after the service about his mission work in India.
    • 7:00PM LYF Meeting- all members & parents are asked to attend
THANK YOU- to all who gave of their time working so hard in the basement and helping in the office this week. We appreciate it- God bless you!

CONFIRMATION ORIENTATION NIGHT-  Wed. Aug. 24th at 7:00PM. This meeting is for ALL students in 5th, 6th, 7th, & 8th grades AND their parents. It is important for everyone to be there. Class books will be distributed and class information will be discussed.

COLLECTING SCHOOL SUPPLIES- for children in the CO-U schools. Supplies needed include: Kleenex, scissors, Elmer's glue, #2 pencils, erasers, notebooks, markers, colored pencils, rulers, calculatore, highlighters, disinfectant wipes, and black dry-erase markers.

REMINDER- Anything that you would send to either Linda or Pastor for the weekly bulletin or the monthly newsletter that you'd also like to have posted here (like pictures, notices, thank yous, or announcements), be sure to email a copy to "Netzmeister" Ted Mallory- Thank you. Help make this Website to be the best that it can for both the congregation and our community!

Sunday, July 24, 2011

This Week at St. John

  • Please Help; Ride Needed- John Thomas needs a ride to Omaha on Tuesday, July 26th. If you are headed that way or can give him a ride, please call him at 712-267-4430. Thank you so much.
  • Wed. July 27- 8:00pm Elders Meeting
  • Fri. July 28- 6:00pm Wedding Rehearsal
  • Sat. July 29- 4:30pm Scott Reddick & Megan Staler Wedding 
  • Sun. July 30- 8:00AM Adult Bible Class
  • 9:00AM Worship
  • 5:30PM VBS Supper
  • 6:00-8:30pm- Vacation Bible School
  • Needed ASAP for VBS- For meals: 50 ibs of ground beef, 50 lbs of hot dogs, bags of Doritos and/or bags of Fritos (for "walking tacos"), bags of various potato chips, hot dog & hamburger buns, loves of bread, money for meat & pizza. Thank you for your help!
    Chef for a night: If you and a friend would be willing to help prepare supper for just one or two nights for Vacation Bible School, please contact either the church office or VBS Director Bethany Mallory. We have two nights covered and would like to have volunteers for all five nights.
    Also needed: large plants real or artificial to provide jungle atmosphere, and large stuffed or inflatable jungle animals or misc. props. BS. Please bring them to Room 101, or give Bethany or the office a call. All items will be returned after VBS, which will be July 31- August 4.
  • Calling all Painters- If you can help paint the new Sunday School classrooms in the church basement either day or evening, please let the office know or sign up on the sheet in the lobby. Plans are to begin painting the end of this week. Thank You.
  • Thy Strong Word-We need funding to help pay KDSN for this program. If you would like to make a donation toward 'Thy Strong Word,' please let either the office or KDSN know. Thank You.
  • Post your announcements here- If you have something that you're planning to email either Linda or Pastor for the weekly bulletin or the monthly newsletter that you'd also like to have posted here, be sure to "cc" Netzmeister Ted Mallory- Thank you.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

New 4-H Website

The Charter Oak Achievers just launched a blog. Keep an eye on it for updates from this week's Crawford County Fair!

Sunday, July 17, 2011

This Week at St.John

  • Calling all Painters- If you can help paint the new Sunday School classrooms in the church basement either day or evening, please let the office know or sign up on the sheet in the lobby. Plans are to begin painting the end of this week. Thank You.
  • Mon-Sat. July 17-24- 6:25AM Pastor Merrill hosts 'Thy Strong Word' (for Triple Parish) on KDSN 107.1FM/1530AMFYI-We need funding to help pay KDSN for this program. If you would like to make a donation toward 'Thy Strong Word,' please let either the office or KDSN know. Thank You.
  • Mon-Sat. July 17-24- Pastor Merrill  will be at Cub Week all this week at Camp Okoboji. If you need pastoral assistance, please call the church office or call Linda after hours at 712-267-3250. St. John members Lizzie Jepsen and Ellen Mallory will be attending camp this week too, please keep them (and Pastor, and all the campers & leaders) in your prayers. 
  • Sat. July 24- 7pm Pastor Merrill preaches at St. Luke's (Triple Parish) in Ricketts
  • Sun. July 25-  8:00AM Adult Bible Class
    • 9:00AM Worship
    • 2:00PM Ordination & Installation of Timothy Frank at St. Paul, Hanover Township (Triple Parish). Reception to follow at the Ricketts Community Center.
  • Can you help VBS?- If you and a friend would be willing to help prepare supper for just one or two nights for Vacation Bible School, please contact either the church office or VBS Director Bethany Mallory. We have two nights covered and would like to have volunteers for all five nights.
    Also needed: large plants real or artificial to provide jungle atmosphere, and large stuffed or inflatable jungle animals or misc. props. BS. Please bring them to Room 101, or give Bethany or the office a call. All items will be returned after VBS, which will be July 31- August 4.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Sign up for a BIG Jungle Adventure! (VBS)

If you have large stuffed or inflatable animals that we can borrow for decorations, or would like to donate snack foods for refreshments, please contact VBS Director Bethany Mallory or call the Church office.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

This week at St. John

  • Monday July 10- Linda will be at the shelter house in the park for Achievement Days
  • Wednesday July 12- Linda will be at the Community Building for the 4-H Style Show
  • Thursday July 13- 8:00PM Voter's Meeting
  • Saturday July 15- 7:00PM Pastor Merrill preaches at Immanuel Lutheran, Soldier Township
  • Sunday July 16- 8:00AM Adult Bible Study
    • 9:00AM Worship with communion

Tuesday, July 05, 2011

Upcoming Missionary presentations at Mission Central

Information on Mission Central can be viewed at
  • July 7,2011: Rev. Mark and Rose Krause from Riga, Latvia for 1:00 and 7:00 P.M.presentations
  • July 9,2011: Andy and Noel Schaff missionary teachers from Taiwan for1:00 P.M. presentation.
  • July`13, 2 011: Sharon Owens and Family from Macau for 1:00 and 7:00 P.M.presentations.
  • July 17,2011; Judy Newhouse teacher from Hong Kong for 10:00 A.M. Sunday morning presentation.
  • July 17th, 2011.....Missionary Jennifer Anderson from Kazakhstan at 10:00 AM
  • July 21,2011: John Hinkle teacher from Southern China for 1:00 P.M. presentation.
  • July 25th, 2011.....Missionary Megan Kincaid from Hong Kong at 1:00 PM.
  • August 10,2011:Rev. Matt Heise from Georgia for 1:00 and 7:00 P.M. presentations.
  • December 3,2011: Rev Carl Kaye and family from Thailand for 1:00and 7:00 P.M.presentations



Prayer Request

To: Undisclosed Recipient
Subject: Prayer request for Deborah Gebhardt (Daughter-in-law of former St. John Pastor, L.C. Gebhardt)

Dear Prayer Warriors,

We praise God for keeping our daughter-in-law, Deborah Gebhardt of Salt Lake City, safe during her first stem cell transplant. She is being treated for multiple myeloma and begins preparations today for the second transplant of her own stem cells. During this time she loses her immunity and needs to be in isolation from friends and family. She is very vulnerable to any bacteria or germ that normally would not cause harm. It is a time of great testing for us but we are trusting God for healing. Please pray with us!

Deborah, Charles, Macy, and Bethany visited in Nebraska recently and were in good spirits and exhibiting their strong faith. They join us in thanking you for your prayers!

In Christ,
Pastor and Gretchen Gebhardt

He will call upon Me, and I will answer him. I will be with him in trouble, I will deliver him and honor him. Ps. 91:15

Sunday, July 03, 2011

This Week at St. John

  • Mon. July 4- Office Closed
  • Tues July 5- 6:30AM Men's Bible Study at St. John
  • Wed July 6- 8:00PM Church Council Meeting
  • Thurs July 7- 1:30PM LWML Meeting
    • 1:00PM & 7:00PM Rev. Mark & Rose Krause (Missionaries to Latvia) at Mission Central in Mapleton
  • Fri July 8- 6:00PM Wedding Rehearsal
  • Sat July 9- 4:00PM Wedding; Michael Priestley & Brooke Goslar
    • 7:00PM Pastor Merrill preaches at St. Paul, Hanover
  • Sun July 10- 8:00AM Adult Bible Study
    • 9:00AM Worship with Communion
    • 10:00AM Finance Board Meeting