Sunday, February 13, 2011

This Week at St. John

  • Tues 2/15- 7pm Western Iowa Missions Committee
  • Wed 2/16- 1:30pm Confirmation
    • 7pm Elders Meeting
  • Thurs 2/17- 6pm Boy Scouts Meeting
  • Sunday 2/20- 8:45am Christian Education Hour
    • 10:00am Worship with Communion
    • 11:00am LWML Pancake Brunch
Take Note...
  • Monday 2/21 at 7pm there will be an informational meeting on the proposed building project. A committee was formed at the last Voters Meeting to gather and present information, they are seeking input and suggestions about how to proceed.
  • Sunday 2/27- LYF Bowling 
  • Thrivent Choice Dollars need to be allocated by Thursday, March 31st. See the directions in the weekly bulletin, or call Letha Goslar (885-2803) or Leese Kuhlmann (885-2616) with questions.
  • Adult Bible Class has begun a study on 'Lifestyles of Faithful Stewards.' Extra copies of the booklet being used are available in the back of the church. It contains daily devotions for each week during February.
  • Subscriptions to the Lutheran Witness are available for $20.83, check in the office or use the white Lutheran Witness envelope in your offering envelope box..
  • The tan base for one of the kitchen roasters is missing. Please let the office know if you've seen it.
  • Please consider giving to St. John Human Care Emergency Fund, which helps members of the congregation and the community in cases of extreme need.
  • If you have any pictures, memories, news or announcements for St. John, Sunday School, LWML, LLL, LYF, VBS, or any other church organization, which you'd like to have on the church website, please send them to our "Netmeister," ted.mallory @

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