Saturday, July 31, 2010

IDW Junior High Youth Gathering

Junior Youth Gathering
Where: Sheraton Hotel
When:  October 30-31, 2010
Theme: Out Loud
Keynote Speaker: Rev. Luke Timm, Living Faith Church, Clive, IA
Music: Swen and Dean
Dean: Rev. Jon Conner

Bible Verse: Romans 1:16, "I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes: first for the Jew, then for the Gentile."

Registration Deadline: September 24
Registration: $115, Financial aid is available from Iowa District West

LYF Youth Gathering

The 2010 National Youth Gathering in New Orleans is over and the LYF would like to thank everyone who supported any of the fundraisers which made the trip possible. The weather was hot and humid, the bus ride was long, but the Gathering was awesome. The LYF will be reporting to the congregation about the gathering during the church service on Sunday, August 30th (5th Sunday Contemporary Service).

This week at St. John

  • SUN AUG 1- 6:00 PM VBS begins
  • MON AUG 2-THURS AUG 5- 5:30 PM VBS Supper, 6:00 PM VBS
  • TUES AUG 3- 6:30 AM, Men's Bible Study at Ruth's Cafe in Ute
  • THURS AUG 5- 1:30 PM LWML
    7:30 PM VBS Closing Service
  • FRI AUG 6- FRI AUG 13- Pastor Merrill on vacation*
  • SUN AUG 8- 8:30 Worship (no communion), NO Bible Class
    NOTICE: There will be no Adult Bible Class for the duration of the month of August, but it will resume in September.
*Pastor Ersnt (Ricketts Triple Parish) will be on call while Pastor Merrill is on vacation.
712-676-2293, or call Linda Kuhlmann at the St. John office at 678-3630

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Youth Gathering TV

Want to see what worship and keynote speaker sessions are like at the National Lutheran Youth Gathering in New Orleans?

Gathering general sessions will be streamed live at
8:30PM ET/7:30PM CT on July 17-20. On July 21, the Gathering
general session will stream live at 9:30AM/ET, 8:30AM/CT

Thursday, July 15, 2010

A Journey of Blessings

Rumor has it that Pastor Richard Merrill has been training in order to participate in the Register's Annual Bike Ride Across Iowa (RAGBRAI). In related developments, he shares the following:

Wednesday, July 14, 2010 3:11 PM
After nearly 30 years in pastoral ministry and 40 years of service in The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod, Trinity Lutheran Church in Glenwood, IA is honored to host "A Journey of Blessings" retirement celebration for Pastor Robert Lindau on August 8. The retirement celebration will begin immediately following our 9:00 am worship service and will feature lunch, desserts, and a short program. Please join us on this day of celebration and thanksgiving for Pastor Lindau’s many years of faithful service.

One of our partners, Faith, Sioux City and Pastor Ralph Shorey, are requesting our assistance in helping with a mission outreach effort in connection with the impending RAGBRAI.  Below you will find a suggested bulletin announcement regarding their prayer booth for Sunday, July 25.  They would appreciate it, as would I (Pastor Mark Gerken), if you could share the announcement in your bulletin this coming weekend, post on your website, or distribute in any other way you see fit.  May the Lord bless our efforts to connect others to Christ!
RAGBRAI Prayer Booth:  Faith Lutheran Church, 3101 Hamilton Blvd. in Sioux City, IA  will be sponsoring a prayer booth for all bikers as RAGBRAI begins on Sunday, July 25.  If you or a friend are planning on making this great bike trek across Iowa stop at the church parking lot between 5:30-8:00 a.m.  As prayers for blessings on your road trip are offered up to the Lord, we also encourage individual prayer requests.  In case of rain, Faith’s prayer booth will meet in the Sanctuary.  God bless! 

Jason Fuller, Director of Information Technology
1317 Tower Drive
Fort Dodge, IA 50501
Phone (515) 576-7666
Fax (515) 576-2323

Sunday, July 11, 2010

This week at St. John

  Charter Oak Achievement Days this week! Good luck Boosters, Achievers, and COU FFA!  
  • MON July 12- Linda out of the office
  • WED July 14- Linda out of the office
  • THURS July 15- 8 PM Voters Meeting
    -LYF leave for New Orleans
  • SAT July 17- 6 PM Communion Service/Baptism
  • SUN July 18- 8:30 AM Worship w/Communion
    9:30 AM/After Worship- Mission Festival, come here Brent & Eugene Friedrichs (Mission Consults speak about Nigeria and John & Cindy Thomas speak about India
  • July 17-21, Nine LYF members of St. John and 2 from St. Paul, Ute and adult counselors will attend the National Lutheran Youth Gathering in New Orleans: Dylan Beeck, Breanna Corbitt, Kendall Corbitt, Shelby Goslar, Brandon Krapfl, Amy Kuhlman, Karly Kunze, Emily Pautsch, and Courtney Plough- with adult counselors Leesa Kuhlmann, Valeta Pautsch, and Kim Plaough. Please keep these youth and adults in your prayers.
  • July 18-24, Pastor at Concordia Cub Week at Camp Okoboji

Friday, July 09, 2010

Second Quarter Meetings

Open/Download a PDF of the July 7th Church Council Minutes from the second quarterly meeting of 2010

Open/Download a PDF of the July 15th Voters' Assemby Minutes from the second quarterly meeting of 2010
*CORRECTION: Rev. Feige at St. Matthew's, Mapleton did not retire, he received a Call.

Sunday, July 04, 2010

This week at St. John

  • MON July 5- Church Office Closed
  • TUES July 6- 6:30 AM, Men's Bible Class at Ruth's in Ute
  • WED July 7- 8 PM Church Council Meeting
  • SUN July 11- 8:30 AM, Youth Gathering Commissioning during Worship Service
  • 9:30 AM, Finance Board Meeting
  • 9:45 AM Adult/HS Bible Class
  • 1 PM Pastor preaches at Denison Care Center
  • 2 PM Pastor preaches at Eventide Lutheran Home in Denison
  • July 17-21, Nine LYF members of St. John and 2 from St. Paul, Ute and adult counselors will attend the National Lutheran Youth Gathering in New Orleans: Dylan Beeck, Breanna Corbitt, Kendall Corbitt, Shelby Goslar, Brandon Krapfl, Amy Kuhlman, Karly Kunze, Emily Pautsch, and Courtney Plough- with adult counselors Leesa Kuhlmann, Valeta Pautsch, and Kim Plaough. Please keep these youth and adults in your prayers.