Sunday, March 28, 2010

Purchase Easter Lilies

You may sign up for lilies in the church office for $6.50 each. 

LWML Mother/Daughter Brunch

April 17th at 9:30 AM at St. John

This week at St. John

MON-SAT (3/29-4/3)- Pastor Merrill host's 'Thy Strong Word' on KDSN radio 6:25 AM
THURS 4/1- 1:30 LWML Meeting
7 PM Maundy Thursday Communion Service
FRI 4/2- 7 PM Good Friday Tenebrae Service
SAT 4/3- 9 AM LYF set-up for Easter Breakfast
SUN 4/4- 6:30 AM Easter Son-Rise Service
7:30 AM Annual LYF Easter Pancake Breakfast
8:45 AM Sunday School (No adult Bible class)
10 AM Communion service (Mite Box Sunday)

Monday, March 22, 2010

Camp Scholarship

The Camp Okoboji Auxiliary is giving away scholarships for a week at Cub Weeks for kids who will complete grades 3-6 this June. Get your applications in the church office or from Pastor. They must be in the camp office by March 29th. Those selected will be announced at the Annual Meeting on April 10th.

Learn more about Cubs Week by visiting their website at


NEEDED; a dining room or kitchen table & chairs. Please let the office know if you can help.

PLEASE SAVE; Portals of Prayer are being recycled to pass on to the homeless.

WANTED; Plans are beginning for VBS and your help is needed. We need plastic canisters that make 8 quarts of Kool Aid. Please drop them off in the office.

LWML IS COLLECTING; clean shoes, all types and sizes in any condition. Please tie or tape pairs together and put in a plastic bag. There is a collection box in the church lobby. These will go to the Hope Ministry in Des Moines.  We're also collecting new underwear- all sizes, for homeless shelters in both Iowa and Los Angeles. Other items being collected; used electronics and printer cartiges for recycling- cell phones, PDAs, pagers, MP3 players, iPods, laptops, GPS systems, game consoles (please include chords), inkjet and laser toner cartidges, digital cameras, phone batteries, and movie DVDs (in original packages). Please bring

“Sowing Seeds of Faith”

A Christian Education Seminar
• Same Seed: The Word of God
• God’s Sowers: Sunday School Teachers,
VBS Leaders, Education Committees
• New Fields: Family, Community,Congregation

Seminar Times and Places
March 27 (Sat.) - Our Savior, Denison (9-11:30 am)
April 8 (Thurs.) - St Paul, Ames (6:30-9:00 pm)
April 13 (Tues.) - Redeemer, Sioux City (6:30-9:00 pm)
April 15 (Thurs.) - St. John, Clarinda (6:30-9:00 pm)
Hosted by Iowa District West Christian

Holy Week Services

  • April 1- Maundy Thursday 7 PM Communion Service
  • April 2- 7 PM Tenebrae Good Friday Service
  • April 4- 6:30 AM Sunrise Service (communion)
    7:30 AM LYF Breakfast
    8:45 AM Sunday School & Bible Class
    10 AM Communion Service

This Week at St. John

  • WED 3/24- 9 AM Ladies' Lenton Retreat
  • SAT 3/27- 10 AM-2 PM District Singles' Spring Event at Mission Central (Mapleton)
  • SUN 3/28- 1 PM Pastor at Denison Care Center
  • SUN 3/28- Pastor at Eventide

Sunday, March 07, 2010

Weekly Announcements

  • TUES MAR 9- 8:45 AM Pastor's Conference in Deloit
  • WED MAR 10- 9:00 AM Ladie's Lenten Retreat
  • SAT MAR 13- Remember to turn your clocks ahead 1 hour for Daylight Savings Time, so that you won't be late to Church the next morning!
  • THURS MAR 18-  LWML Prayer Service at St. Luke, Ricketts, Refreshments at 9 AM, Service at 9:30 AM
  • SAT MAR 27- 10 AM-2 PM at Mission Central, Spring Singles Event.