Friday, February 26, 2010

Warmer than Vancuver

From the faces, I suspect that this picture is of LYF members at the National Lutheran Youth Gathering in Denver in 1989, so this sign would be from the 1976 Olympics, but the file was labeled Atlanta where the Olympics didn't happen until 1998. Are there any LYF-Alumni willing to identify themselves in this picture?

You can help support our current LYF group by helping them attend the 2010 Youth Gathering in New Orleans. Call the office to find out how.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Midweek Lenten Services

Once again this year there is a circuit rotation for midweek Lenten services. The theme is "the Wounds of Jesus." Each week a different pastor will lead worship with a special message focusing on one of the parts of our Savior's body that was wounded for us. Midweek services will be held Wednesdays at 7PM.

  • FEB 17- Pastor Merrill- "His Humbled Head"
  • FEB 24- Pastor Ernst, Triple Parish, Ricketts- "The Savior's Side"
  • MAR 3- Pastor Fiege, St. Matthew's, Mapleton- "His Unbroken Bones"
  • MAR 10- Pastor Salcido, St. Paul, Ida Grove- "His Holy Hands"
  • MAR 25- Pastor Brandt, St. Paul, Ute- "His Faithful Feet"
  • APR 3- Pastor Merrill, "His Battered Back"

This Week at St. John

  • WED 2/17- 9AM Ladies Lenten Retreat
  • 5:30PM Sunday School Lenten Supper
  • 7PM Ash Wednesday Service
  • 8PM Elder's Meeting
  • SUN 2/23- 1:30PM LYF Bowling

Important date to remember for Sunday School

  • FEB 17- Ash Wed Lenten Supper served by Sunday School- 7th & 8th graders
  • FEB 28- Children sing in church
  • MAR 3- Bars served after Lenten service by Sunday School
  • MAR 7- Mite Box Sunday
  • MAR 17- Bars served after Lenten service by Sunday School
  • MAR 21- Trip to King's Point Water Park in Storm Lake, sponsored by Sunday School

Monday, February 08, 2010

Money for Missions

From: Brent Friedrichs
Sent: Monday, February 08, 2010 8:42 AM
Subject: Here is how we spent the $500

A donation of $500 (from our home church) to help get Shaibu and his family back into a house somewhere.  
You can divide all naira values by 149 to get back to dollar  (Don did this and I have added the amounts in US dollars.  NF)

= =N=0.00 starting balance
+ =N=74,500.00 from $500 x 149
- =N=20,000.00 two foam mattresses at N10,000 each     ($67.11each or $134.22 for two)
- =N=25,000.00 for first year in a rental house     ($167.78)  
- =N=8,900.00 One queen foam mattress           ($59.73)
- =N=7,500.00 One small foam mattress             ($50.34)
- =N=5,000.00 several bundles of firewood so to do cooking.      ($33.56)
- =N=8,100.00 some pots and pans as well as some very used furniture.    ($54.36)
= =N=0.00 closing balance

We have receipts/supportive docs on the above and can forward photocopies if needed.(?)

Shaibu, his wife and the entire Danjuma family have been very very appreciative.

They asked to use our pickup to haul these things over to their rental/temp home and John Udo is presently out doing that with them right now.


NOTE: Shaibu is a friend and gardener of the Friedrichs in Jos, Nigeria. His home was destroyed in a recent wave of sectarian violence in Jos. Last month, the Voter's Assembly of St. John Lutheran voted to send a special gift to help Shaibu and his family relocate or rebuild.

Sunday, February 07, 2010

Weekly Announcements

  • MON 2/8- 6 PM Video training for Elders
  • TUES 2/9- Pastors; Conference at St. John Battle Creek
  • WED 2/10- 7PM LYF meeting for New Orleans attendants
  • SUN 2/14- 11 AM Finance Board Mtg.
    >>Blood Pressure screening after worship
    >> 11 AM- 12:30 PM LWML Brunch
  • ASH WEDNESDAY 2/17- 5:30-6:30 PM, Sunday School Supper before Lenten midweek worship (free-will offering will go toward scholarships for children going to Camp Okoboji this summer)
    >> 9 AM Ladie's Bible Study/Lenten Retreat, "The Beauty of Holiness: Living a Christlike Life" $7 for materials, 1 hour weekly Bible Study.