Tuesday, May 30, 2006


Quasquicentennial- that's what a 125th anniversary is called. Just in case you ever wanted to know, or needed to know how to spell it.

Ever faithful, ever sure

LWML Good Search- The next time you need to search the web, please try www.goodsearch.com, when you do, please type in "Lutheran Women’s Missionary League in the box for the charity you’re supporting. Over the year these clicks will be added up & the money sent to the LWML to be added to the Mite-box total. Thank you.

Ministry to the Armed Forces- Nearly 45,000 LCMS men and women serve on active duty in the U.S. Armed Forces. Several thousand more serve in the National Guard and Reserves. Your gifts help provide packets of faith strengthening materials to LCMS members. You can also help support over 230 LCMS military chaplains, as well as those for the Civil Air Patrol and the Veterans Affairs Administration. To give to the LCMS World Mission; Ministry to the Armed Forces, please visit www.lcmsworldmission.org/armedforces.

St. John Lutheran Church to celebrate 125th Anniversary June 25th

10 AM Church service with processional. Pastor Merril will be litergist. Former Pastor L.C. Gebhardt Will be lector. Rev. Douglas Schroeder (grandson of the Rev. P. Schroeder that served St. John 1934-57) will be guest preacher.

11:30-12:30 Luncheon served in the Church’s basement fellowship hall & at the Charter Oak Community Building. Serving BBQ pork sandwitches, assorted salads, chips, ice cream and beverages- free will offering.

12:30-1:30 PM games for the children and a bounce house

1:30 PM "Ablaze" balloon launch by the children, sending 125 balloons with messages attatched.

2 PM Church service with processional of pastors and former vicars. Pastor Merrill will be litergist, Former Pastor Friedrich will be lector. Rev. Paul Schroeder (son of former Pastor W.P. Schroeder) will be guest preacher. A missionary offering will be taken in support of "God’s Word Today" radio program and Missionary Brent Friedrichs.

Ice Cream & Cake fellowship time to follow.

Anniversary Hymn; "Praise, Oh, Praise Our God and King"
(tune Hymn #142 in "Lutheran Worship")
(verses 1, 8 by John Milton, 1623, Alternative verses 2-7 by Rev. Richard Merrill, 2006)

1. Praise, oh, praise our God and King
Hymns of adoration sing:
For His mercies still endure,
Ever faithful, ever sure.

2. All these years of love and grace
Christ with blessings filled this place;
For His mercies still endure
Ever faithful, ever sure.

3. From the font our children came,
Washed from sin in Jesus’ name:
For His mercies still endure
Ever faithful, ever sure.

4. Luth’ran school taught God’s pure Word.
Children learned to know their Lord;
For His mercies still endure
Ever faithful, ever sure.

5. At this altar couples wed,
Joined in love, with Christ their Head;
For His mercies still endure
Ever faithful, ever sure.

6. Here we share the meal divine-
Christ Himself in bread and wine;
For His mercies still endure
Ever faithful, ever sure.

7. Here God’s saints, with sins forgiv’n
Passed from death to life in Heav’n
For His mercies still endure
Ever faithful, ever sure.

8. Glory to our faithful King,
Glory let His people sing;
Glory to the Father, Son,
And the Spirit, Three-in-One.

Thursday, May 25, 2006

LYF Golf

LYF Golf
at the Dunlap course this Sunday!!!

Should we say 3-5 pm regardless of how many or few holes we get in?
Meet @ Church at 2:30pm.
Remember to bring like $10, I guess I don't know what greens fees are.
Care for Pizza D'Amore in Dunlap after? Or do any of you need to get back for anything?

Monday, May 22, 2006

Mission Central


Mission Central - LCMS World Mission
40718 Highway E 16, Mapleton, Iowa 51034
PH: 712-882-1029

Site Powered By ChurchSquare.com.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Lutheran Family Service of Iowa

Lutheran Family Service of Iowa

For more than 100 years, the Lutheran church through LFS has brought the healing presence of Jesus Christ, His love and grace into the lives of families across Iowa. From our roots as a home-finding society for orphaned children, LFS now provides a variety of services to meet the ever-challenging needs in today's society.